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  • Characterization of a Drosophila Alzheimer's Disease Model: Pharmacological Rescue of Cognitive Defects

    Ranjita Chakraborty, Vidya Vepuri, Siddhita D. Mhatre, Brie E. Paddock, Sean Miller, Sarah J. Michelson, Radha Delvadia, Arkit Desai, Marianna Vinokur, David J. Melicharek, Suruchi Utreja, Preeti Khandelwal, Sara Ansaloni, Lee E. Goldstein, Robert D. Moir, Jeremy C. Lee, Loni P. Tabb, Aleister J. Saunders, Daniel R. Marenda

    published 06 Jun 2011

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  • Secondary Structures of rRNAs from All Three Domains of Life

    Anton S. Petrov, Chad R. Bernier, Burak Gulen, Chris C. Waterbury, Eli Hershkovits, Chiaolong Hsiao, Stephen C. Harvey, Nicholas V. Hud, George E. Fox, Roger M. Wartell, Loren Dean Williams

    published 05 Feb 2014

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  • The Hemolymph Proteome of Fed and Starved Drosophila Larvae

    Björn Handke, Ingrid Poernbacher, Sandra Goetze, Christian H. Ahrens, Ulrich Omasits, Florian Marty, Nikiana Simigdala, Imke Meyer, Bernd Wollscheid, Erich Brunner, Ernst Hafen, Christian F. Lehner

    published 20 Jun 2013

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