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Motor neuron activity enhances the proteomic stress caused by autophagy defects in the target muscle

Saurabh Srivastav, Kevin van der Graaf,  [ ... ], Michael Stern

Light and dark cycles modify the expression of clock genes in the ovaries of Aedes aegypti in a noncircadian manner

Leo Nava Piorsky Dominici Cruz, Rayane Teles-de-Freitas,  [ ... ], Rafaela Vieira Bruno

Mating dynamics of a sperm-limited drosophilid, Zaprionus indianus

Jennifer M. Gleason, Barnabas Danborno,  [ ... ], Micalea J. Cobbs

SAKE: Strobemer-assisted k-mer extraction

Miika Leinonen, Leena Salmela

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