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  • Order in Spontaneous Behavior

    Alexander Maye, Chih-hao Hsieh, George Sugihara, Björn Brembs

    published 16 May 2007

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  • Molecular Vibration-Sensing Component in Human Olfaction

    Simon Gane, Dimitris Georganakis, Klio Maniati, Manolis Vamvakias, Nikitas Ragoussis, Efthimios M. C. Skoulakis, Luca Turin

    published 25 Jan 2013

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  • Catapulting Tentacles in a Sticky Carnivorous Plant

    Simon Poppinga, Siegfried Richard Heinrich Hartmeyer, Robin Seidel, Tom Masselter, Irmgard Hartmeyer, Thomas Speck

    published 26 Sep 2012

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