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Showing 40 - 52 of 641

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The number of neurons in Drosophila and mosquito brains

Joshua I. Raji, Christopher J. Potter

Gm14230 controls Tbc1d24 cytoophidia and neuronal cellular juvenescence

Takao Morimune, Ayami Tano,  [ ... ], Masaki Mori

Increase in non-professional phagocytosis during the progression of cell cycle

Alexander Hofmann, Florian Putz,  [ ... ], Luitpold V. Distel

Effects of decreased Rac activity and malignant state on oral squamous cell carcinoma in vitro

Yudai Matsuoka, Hani Al-Shareef, Mikihiko Kogo, Hirokazu Nakahara

A deep learning approach for staging embryonic tissue isolates with small data

Adam Joseph Ronald Pond, Seongwon Hwang, Berta Verd, Benjamin Steventon

Optimized culture of retinal ganglion cells and amacrine cells from adult mice

Yong H. Park, Joshua D. Snook,  [ ... ], Benjamin J. Frankfort

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