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Showing 27 - 39 of 248

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Directional freezing for the cryopreservation of adherent mammalian cells on a substrate

Liat Bahari, Amir Bein, Victor Yashunsky, Ido Braslavsky

Towards a Green Hydrate Inhibitor: Imaging Antifreeze Proteins on Clathrates

Raimond Gordienko, Hiroshi Ohno,  [ ... ], Virginia K. Walker

Egg yolk-free cryopreservation of bull semen

Muhammad Anzar, Kosala Rajapaksha, Lyle Boswall

Blood Banking in Living Droplets

Josh Samot, Sangjun Moon,  [ ... ], Utkan Demirci

Supercooling as a Viable Non-Freezing Cell Preservation Method of Rat Hepatocytes

O. Berk Usta, Yeonhee Kim,  [ ... ], Martin L. Yarmush

Cryopreservation of Spin-Dried Mammalian Cells

Nilay Chakraborty, Michael A. Menze,  [ ... ], Mehmet Toner

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