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Showing 53 - 65 of 166

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Empowering differential networks using Bayesian analysis

Jarod Smith, Mohammad Arashi, Andriëtte Bekker

A secure remote user authentication scheme for 6LoWPAN-based Internet of Things

Ghulam Abbas, Muhammad Tanveer,  [ ... ], Dhiya Al-Jumeily OBE

New constructions of equality test scheme for cloud-assisted wireless sensor networks

Huijun Zhu, Dong Xie, Haseeb Ahmad, Hasan Naji Hasan Abdullah

A static analysis approach for Android permission-based malware detection systems

Juliza Mohamad Arif, Mohd Faizal Ab Razak,  [ ... ], Ahmad Firdaus

Evaluating the impact of multivariate imputation by MICE in feature selection

Maritza Mera-Gaona, Ursula Neumann, Rubiel Vargas-Canas, Diego M. López

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