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Showing 27 - 39 of 200

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The Impact of Sexual Abuse in Patients Undergoing Colonoscopy

Melianthe P. J. Nicolai, Josbert J. Keller,  [ ... ], Henk W. Elzevier

Risk of Advanced Colorectal Neoplasia According to Age and Gender

Frank T. Kolligs, Alexander Crispin,  [ ... ], Burkhard Göke

Hypermethylated DNA, a circulating biomarker for colorectal cancer detection

Simon Ladefoged Rasmussen, Henrik Bygum Krarup,  [ ... ], Ole Thorlacius-Ussing

High-Throughput Multi-Analyte Luminex Profiling Implicates Eotaxin-1 in Ulcerative Colitis

Lori A. Coburn, Sara N. Horst,  [ ... ], Keith T. Wilson

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