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Showing 14 - 26 of 199

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  • Spatial distribution of mortality from colorectal cancer in the southern region of Brazil

    Matheus Jacometo Coelho de Castilho, Miyoko Massago, Carlos Eduardo Arruda, Matheus Henrique Arruda Beltrame, Eleanor Strand, Carlos Edmundo Rodrigues Fontes, Oscar Kenji Nihei, Rogério do Lago Franco, Catherine Ann Staton, Raissa Bocchi Pedroso, Luciano de Andrade

    published 07 Jul 2023

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  • Colorectal cancer screening in Semarang, Indonesia: A multicenter primary health care based study

    Hery Djagat Purnomo, Cecilia Oktaria Permatadewi, Agung Prasetyo, Didik Indiarso, Hesti Triwahyu Hutami, Dik Puspasari, Devia Eka Listiana, Suhartono, Herna Rizkia Armatussolikha, Suryanto Setyo Priyadi, Sri Sadono, Silvina, Nurhayati, Samsudin, Ahnaf, Muhammad Hidayanto, Puriyanto Wahyu Nugroho, Nur Dian Rakhmawati, Agus Susanto, Mukti Setiawan, Mochamad Sonny

    published 03 Jan 2023

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