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Sirt1 Deficiency Attenuates Spermatogenesis and Germ Cell Function

Matthew Coussens, John G. Maresh,  [ ... ], Richard Allsopp

In-Silico Modeling of the Mitotic Spindle Assembly Checkpoint

Bashar Ibrahim, Stephan Diekmann, Eberhard Schmitt, Peter Dittrich

Mammalian Cells Change Volume during Mitosis

Emmanuel Boucrot, Tomas Kirchhausen

Conditional Immortalization of Human B Cells by CD40 Ligation

Martina Wiesner, Caroline Zentz,  [ ... ], Andreas Moosmann

Sex Specific Gene Regulation and Expression QTLs in Mouse Macrophages from a Strain Intercross

Jeffrey M. Bhasin, Enakshi Chakrabarti,  [ ... ], Jonathan D. Smith

Importance of a C-Terminal Conserved Region of Chk1 for Checkpoint Function

Carmela Palermo, Justin C. Hope,  [ ... ], Nancy C. Walworth

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