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Taenia solium TAF6 and TAF9 bind to a downstream promoter element present in the Tstbp1 gene core promoter

Oscar Rodríguez-Lima, Ponciano García-Gutiérrez,  [ ... ], Abraham Landa

Unveiling the anti-obesity potential of Kemuning (Murraya paniculata): A network pharmacology approach

Rizka Fatriani, Firda Agustin Kartika Pratiwi,  [ ... ], Wisnu Ananta Kusuma

Electrolytes as predictors of fibro fatigue scores in Long-COVID patients

Wasim Talib Mahdi Al Masoodi, Sami Waheed Radhi, Hussein Kadhem Al-Hakeim, Habiba Khdair Abdalsada

Zooplankton responses to simulated marine heatwave in the Mediterranean Sea using in situ mesocosms

Soultana Zervoudaki, Maria Protopapa,  [ ... ], Jonna Engström-Öst

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