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Showing 14 - 26 of 2,383

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Design and development of a sensorized hammerstone for accurate force measurement in stone knapping experiments

Cecilia Barroso-Medina, Sam C. Lin, Matthew W. Tocheri, Manish Sreenivasa

Light weights are as effective as heavy weights for muscle activation in the Hammerobics exercise

Koji Murofushi, Tomoki Oshikawa,  [ ... ], Kazuyoshi Yagishita

Assigning goal-probability value to high intensity runs in football

Sam Gregory, Sam Robertson,  [ ... ], Jeremy Alexander

Seeking safety: Movement dynamics after post-contact immobility

Nigel R. Franks, Alan Worley,  [ ... ], Ana B. Sendova-Franks

Micro-osteoperforation for enhancement of orthodontic movement: A mechanical analysis using the finite element method

João Ricardo Cancian Lagomarcino Gomes, Ivana Ardenghi Vargas,  [ ... ], Pedro Antonio González Hernandez

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