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Showing 443 - 445 of 445

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  • Paradoxical DNA Repair and Peroxide Resistance Gene Conservation in Bacillus pumilus SAFR-032

    Jason Gioia, Shailaja Yerrapragada, Xiang Qin, Huaiyang Jiang, Okezie C. Igboeli, Donna Muzny, Shannon Dugan-Rocha, Yan Ding, Alicia Hawes, Wen Liu, Lesette Perez, Christie Kovar, Huyen Dinh, Sandra Lee, Lynne Nazareth, Peter Blyth, Michael Holder, Christian Buhay, Madhan R. Tirumalai, Yamei Liu, Indrani Dasgupta, Lina Bokhetache, Masaya Fujita, Fathi Karouia, Prahathees Eswara Moorthy, Johnathan Siefert, Akif Uzman, Prince Buzumbo, Avani Verma, Hiba Zwiya, Brian D. McWilliams, Adeola Olowu, Kenneth D. Clinkenbeard, David Newcombe, Lisa Golebiewski, Joseph F. Petrosino, Wayne L. Nicholson, George E. Fox, Kasthuri Venkateswaran, Sarah K. Highlander, George M. Weinstock

    published 26 Sep 2007

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  • Genetic Evidence for a Link Between Glycolysis and DNA Replication

    Laurent Jannière, Danielle Canceill, Catherine Suski, Sophie Kanga, Bérengère Dalmais, Roxane Lestini, Anne-Françoise Monnier, Jérôme Chapuis, Alexander Bolotin, Marina Titok, Emmanuelle Le Chatelier, S. Dusko Ehrlich

    published 16 May 2007

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