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  • Rules Governing Selective Protein Carbonylation

    Etienne Maisonneuve, Adrien Ducret, Pierre Khoueiry, Sabrina Lignon, Sonia Longhi, Emmanuel Talla, Sam Dukan

    published 05 Oct 2009

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  • Application of In Vivo Induced Antigen Technology (IVIAT) to Bacillus anthracis

    Sean M. Rollins, Amanda Peppercorn, John S. Young, Melissa Drysdale, Andrea Baresch, Margaret V. Bikowski, David A. Ashford, Conrad P. Quinn, Martin Handfield, Jeffrey D. Hillman, C. Rick Lyons, Theresa M. Koehler, Stephen B. Calderwood, Edward T. Ryan

    published 19 Mar 2008

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