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Showing 40 - 52 of 79

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Mobile based surveillance platform for detecting Zika virus among Spanish Delegates attending the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games

Natalia Rodriguez-Valero, Miguel Luengo Oroz,  [ ... ], Maria Jesus Ledesma Carbayo

The impact of the age of first blood meal and Zika virus infection on Aedes aegypti egg production and longevity

Martha Thieme Petersen, Isabella Dias da Silveira,  [ ... ], Rafael Maciel-de-Freitas

Risk factors for arbovirus infections in a low-income community of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2015-2016

Nádia Cristina Pinheiro Rodrigues, Regina Paiva Daumas,  [ ... ], Iúri da Costa Leite

Emerging and reemerging arboviruses: A new threat in Eastern Peru

Carlos Alva-Urcia, Miguel Angel Aguilar-Luis,  [ ... ], Juana del Valle-Mendoza

Accuracy of Zika virus disease case definition during simultaneous Dengue and Chikungunya epidemics

José Ueleres Braga, Clarisse Bressan,  [ ... ], Patrícia Brasil

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