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Showing 27 - 39 of 42,814

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Evaluation of MCL-1 as a prognostic factor in canine mammary gland tumors

Jaeho Cho, Heaji Chung, Sungin Lee, Wan Hee Kim

Pharmacokinetics of isavuconazonium sulfate and its active metabolite isavuconazole in healthy dogs

Erin McQuinn, Jonathan P. Mochel,  [ ... ], Jean-Sébastien Palerme

Influence of perch provision during rearing on activity and musculoskeletal health of pullets

Mallory G. Anderson, Alexa M. Johnson,  [ ... ], Ahmed Ali

Amazon tropical fishes of commercial interest show human-cell contamination but no SARS-CoV-2 in a real-life scenario

Carolina Sousa de Sá Leitão, Carlos Henrique dos Anjos dos Santos,  [ ... ], Adalberto Luis Val

Prevalence and geographic distribution of Echinococcus genus in wild canids in southern Québec, Canada

Ève-Marie Lavallée-Bourget, Christopher Fernandez-Prada,  [ ... ], Julie Arsenault

Continental scale dietary patterns in a New World raptor using web-sourced photographs

Connor T. Panter, Vincent N. Naude, Facundo Barbar, Arjun Amar

Automated recognition of emotional states of horses from facial expressions

Marcelo Feighelstein, Claire Riccie-Bonot,  [ ... ], Anna Zamansky

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