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Showing 14 - 26 of 368

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Genetic risk score for insulin resistance based on gene variants associated to amino acid metabolism in young adults

Eunice Lares-Villaseñor, Martha Guevara-Cruz,  [ ... ], Juan M. Vargas-Morales

Host transcriptome response to heat stress and Eimeria maxima infection in meat-type chickens

Ahmed F. A. Ghareeb, James C. Foutz,  [ ... ], Samuel E. Aggrey

Metabolomics analysis of pathways underlying radiation-induced salivary gland dysfunction stages

Lauren G. Buss, Diogo De Oliveira Pessoa,  [ ... ], Kirsten H. Limesand

Gcn4 impacts metabolic fluxes to promote yeast chronological lifespan

Juan Facundo Gulias, Florencia Niesi,  [ ... ], Mariana Bermúdez-Moretti

Bisphenol-A and phthalate metabolism in children with neurodevelopmental disorders

T. Peter Stein, Margaret D. Schluter, Robert A. Steer, Xue Ming

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