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Showing 456 - 468 of 486

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A Stochastic Description of Dictyostelium Chemotaxis

Gabriel Amselem, Matthias Theves,  [ ... ], Carsten Beta

Evaluation of Accelerometer-Based Fall Detection Algorithms on Real-World Falls

Fabio Bagalà, Clemens Becker,  [ ... ], Jochen Klenk

GHOSTM: A GPU-Accelerated Homology Search Tool for Metagenomics

Shuji Suzuki, Takashi Ishida, Ken Kurokawa, Yutaka Akiyama

People Favour Imperfect Catching by Assuming a Stable World

Joan López-Moliner, Matthias S. Keil

The Effect of Sensory Uncertainty Due to Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) on the Planning and Execution of Visually-Guided 3D Reaching Movements

Ewa Niechwiej-Szwedo, Herbert C. Goltz, Manokaraananthan Chandrakumar, Agnes M. F. Wong

Grasp It Loudly! Supporting Actions with Semantically Congruent Spoken Action Words

Raphaël Fargier, Mathilde Ménoret,  [ ... ], Yves Paulignan

The Temporal Structure of Vertical Arm Movements

Jérémie Gaveau, Charalambos Papaxanthis

Perceptual Rivalry: Reflexes Reveal the Gradual Nature of Visual Awareness

Marnix Naber, Stefan Frässle, Wolfgang Einhäuser

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