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Showing 443 - 455 of 486

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Catching What We Can't See: Manual Interception of Occluded Fly-Ball Trajectories

Gianfranco Bosco, Sergio Delle Monache, Francesco Lacquaniti

Submovement Composition of Head Movement

Lewis L. Chen, Daeyeol Lee, Kikuro Fukushima, Junko Fukushima

The Effects of Rhythmicity and Amplitude on Transfer of Motor Learning

Mor Ben-Tov, Shelly Levy-Tzedek, Amir Karniel

Catapulting Tentacles in a Sticky Carnivorous Plant

Simon Poppinga, Siegfried Richard Heinrich Hartmeyer,  [ ... ], Thomas Speck

Active Collisions in Altered Gravity Reveal Eye-Hand Coordination Strategies

Olivier White, Philippe Lefèvre,  [ ... ], Jean-Louis Thonnard

Is Fitts’ Law Continuous in Discrete Aiming?

Rita Sleimen-Malkoun, Jean-Jacques Temprado,  [ ... ], Eric Berton

Compression of Auditory Space during Forward Self-Motion

Wataru Teramoto, Shuichi Sakamoto,  [ ... ], Yôiti Suzuki

Dopamine Signaling Is Essential for Precise Rates of Locomotion by C. elegans

Daniel T. Omura, Damon A. Clark, Aravinthan D. T. Samuel, H. Robert Horvitz

From Sensor Data to Animal Behaviour: An Oystercatcher Example

Judy Shamoun-Baranes, Roeland Bom,  [ ... ], Willem Bouten

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