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Asking an AI for salary negotiation advice is a matter of concern: Controlled experimental perturbation of ChatGPT for protected and non-protected group discrimination on a contextual task with no clear ground truth answers

  • R. Stuart Geiger ,

    Roles Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Software, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing

    Affiliations Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute, University of California, San Diego, CA, United States of America, Department of Communication, University of California, San Diego, CA, United States of America

  • Flynn O’Sullivan,

    Roles Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Software, Visualization, Writing – original draft

    Affiliation Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute, University of California, San Diego, CA, United States of America

  • Elsie Wang,

    Roles Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Software, Visualization, Writing – original draft

    Affiliation Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute, University of California, San Diego, CA, United States of America

  • Jonathan Lo

    Roles Conceptualization, Data curation, Methodology, Software, Visualization, Writing – original draft

    Affiliation Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute, University of California, San Diego, CA, United States of America


We conducted controlled experimental bias audits for four versions of ChatGPT, which we asked to recommend an opening offer in salary negotiations for a new hire. We submitted 98,800 prompts to each version, systematically varying the employee’s gender, university, and major, and tested prompts in voice of each side of the negotiation: the employee versus their employer. Empirically, we find many reasons why ChatGPT as a multi-model platform is not robust and consistent enough to be trusted for such a task. We observed statistically significant salary offers when varying gender for all four models, although with smaller gaps than for other attributes tested. The most substantial gaps were different model versions and between the employee- vs employer-voiced prompts. We also observed substantial gaps when varying university and major, but many of the biases were not consistent across model versions. We also tested for fictional and fraudulent universities and found wildly inconsistent results across different cases and model versions. We also make broader contributions to the AI/ML fairness and trustworthiness literature. Our salary negotiation advice scenario and our experimental design differ from mainstream AI/ML auditing efforts in key ways. Bias audits typically test discrimination for protected classes like gender, which we contrast with testing non-protected classes of university and major. Asking for negotiation advice includes how aggressive one ought to be in a negotiation relative to known empirical salary distributions and scales, which is a deeply contextual and personalized task that has no objective ground truth to validate. These results raise concerns for not only for the specific model versions we tested, but also around the consistency and robustness of the ChatGPT web platform as a multi-model platform in continuous development. Our epistemology does not permit us to definitively certify these models as either generally biased or unbiased on the attributes we test, but our study raises matters of concern for stakeholders to further investigate.

1 Introduction

1.1 Motivation and background

In recent years, we have seen a staggering rise in pre-trained, general-purpose Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (ML/AI) models, specifically Large Language Models (LLMs) or Foundation Models (FMs). These models can generate plausibly-sounding answers to a wide range of domain-specific tasks, without specific training for each task, unlike in prior generations of AI/ML. This general purposeness is one reason why LLMs are so popular, but it also raises serious social and ethical concerns, especially for those systematically evaluating or auditing these models for context-specific harms like discrimination and social biases [1]. In this paper, we report the results of an audit study of a specific simulated context of use: discrimination-related harms when ChatGPT is asked for salary negotiation advice for candidates in the US tech job market.

1.1.1 What are LLMs?

Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT are powerful generative models designed to predict the next word in a sequence, but in ways that enable them to generate coherent and contextually relevant text. We also note that more recent versions of ChatGPT are multi-modal LLMs/FMs that can incorporate image and audio inputs and outputs, but we only test text inputs and outputs, leaving concerns with multi-modal aspects of ChatGPT to future work. The training process involves ingesting massive datasets comprising terabytes of text data scraped from the internet, textbooks, and other sources.

While OpenAI has not published a detailed technical report for any models after GPT-3 in 2020, that model was trained from a corpus about five hundred billion tokens long [2]. LLMs represent language in tokens rather than words or individual characters, where a token represents a short word, a punctuation mark, or part of a longer word. Each token is mapped to a unique number used by the model during training. This tokenized text is processed through an embedding layer, which converts tokens into dense vectors between tokens that capture semantic relationships in the training data. The patterns and relationships derived from this data are encoded as weights across billions of parameters in the model.

The key method underpinning this analysis in contemporary LLMs is the transformer neural network architecture [3]. GPT stands for “generative pretrained transformer,” reflecting its reliance on this architecture [4]. Transformers transformed natural language processing by introducing the attention mechanism, a method that allows the model to focus on the most relevant parts of a text sequence when generating output. Instead of processing text sequentially word by word, such as prior generations of language models, attention mechanisms allow the model to weigh the importance of different sequences of words in a massive corpus of training data using parallel processing, making them far more efficient at capturing long-range patterns across its training data.

While attention mechanisms are central to the success of transformers, these models do not store explicit statistical relationships or patterns between linguistic elements. Instead, they implicitly encode complex contextual relationships between sequences of tokens through their learned parameters. This implicit encoding, driven by the large scale of training data and model parameters, is key to the models’ ability to generate human-like text. However, it also raises major concerns about interpretability, bias, and the potential for reproducing harmful patterns present in the training data.

1.1.2 Why are LLMs concerning?

This architecture behind LLMs like ChatGPT make them excellent at generating a confidently-phrased response to any question, often mimicking the form of the language an expert would use in answering that question. However, they routinely ‘hallucinate’ or give incorrect or inappropriate answers, likely due in part to contradictions and insistencies within its training data [57]. To address such issues and enable more consistent chat-like interactions, LLMs are typically further trained and fine-tuned with reinforcement learning through human feedback (RLHF) [8]. RLHF is also to train an LLM to refuse to answer impossible or inappropriate questions, but users often complain when a service marketed as a superhuman genius oracle refuses to answer. Complaints about refusals led OpenAI CEO Sam Altman to focus on reducing the refusal rate in a series of February 2024 posts, claiming that new versions should be “much less lazy” [9].

Our concern arises because the LLM space is full of hype and snake oil, with inflated claims of capability for AI-marketed services that routinely fail to deliver on their promises in real-world contexts [7, 10, 11]. This makes LLMs particularly troubling for people who ask LLMs questions that they themselves cannot answer or validate. LLMs can generate responses that claim it is taking various factors or details from a prompt into account, but are not actually doing so [12]. This is troubling given how many individuals, businesses, and public sector organizations are racing to deploy AI in fear of “missing out” or being “left behind” [13, 14]. Leading technologists and public figures debate whether the existential risks of AI are more in it taking all of our jobs versus it taking all of our lives [15], engaging in a form of “critihype” [16] that ostensibly criticizes a technology for being too capable on its own terms—rather than for the more mundane and everyday harms it may cause when it does not work as advertised or expected.

1.2 Research questions: Bias as a trustworthiness and robustness concern

In this paper, we focus on these more mundane and everyday harms, asking an important question within a growing area of research in the literature on AI/ML fairness and trustworthiness: When ChatGPT is asked to give personalized salary negotiation advice, do these models exhibit demographic biases that illegitimately favor certain groups over others? We use a common method in AI/ML fairness work that has a legacy in Civil Rights Era investigations of discrimination in hiring [17] or housing [18]: controlled experiments (also called perturbation methods), in which auditors ask an opaque system to evaluate cases that are otherwise identical, but differ in gender, race, and/or other protected classes to be tested. Under a protected classes logic, if the system (an AI or organization) gives significantly and substantially different results, then we can assume that system is unfair or discriminatory—although there are differing perspectives on how generalizable such studies are [1922].

While we focus on bias, our broader concern is about the trustworthiness of relying on ChatGPT for salary negotiation advice. Trust and trustworthiness, as Reinhardt argues in an extensive critical review of work in AI/ML trustworthiness [23], is often an overloaded catch-all term for any good or desirable quality, which often includes fairness, discrimination, and social biases. However, qualities like robustness, reliability, consistency, predictability, and transparency are more commonly described as foundational components to many trustworthy AI/ML efforts, and these qualities intersect with fairness and discrimination concerns.

In one sense, our study is about robustness, which is focused on how small variations in input data can change outputs. Robustness is typically studied and discussed as a safety issue that may have large consequences—such as if a self-driving car’s camera is foggy [24] or if an attacker uses adversarial methods to imperceptibly alter an input to get the output they desire [25]. Robustness is less often used to address more normatively-laden socio-political concerns like discrimination (but see [26, 27]). We are also concerned with the robustness of ChatGPT as a multi-model web platform that can switch users from one model version to another, both within a single session if they exceed their quotas for higher-tier models, and over time as OpenAI releases new model versions. We separate these issues into one preliminary and five main research questions:

  • RQ0: Do the four versions of ChatGPT give a valid, well-formed answer to our prompts, which asks to recommend a specific starting salary offer for a given new hire in the voice of either the employee or the employer?
  • RQ1: When four versions of ChatGPT are asked to recommend a starting salary offer using our prompts, is there a statistically significant difference in the salary offer from the different model versions?
  • RQ2: … is there a statistically significant difference in the salary offer when the prompt is asked in the voice of the employee versus the employer?
  • RQ3: … is there a statistically significant difference in the salary offer when the gendered pronouns of a new hire are varied or omitted?
  • RQ4: … what is the effect of varying the new hire’s major on the recommended salary offer? How much on average does each major vary the offer?
  • RQ5: … what is the effect of varying the new hire’s university on the recommended salary offer? How much on average does each university vary the offer?

While there are dozens of competing proprietary and open-weight LLMs, we choose to audit four publicly available versions of OpenAI’s ChatGPT. ChatGPT is the most popular generative AI chatbot, which had a 61.3% share of the market in mid-2024, with Microsoft Copilot (based on OpenAI’s GPT-4) in second at 15.6% and Google Gemini in third at 13.3%. [28]. OpenAI has also partnered with various other companies to integrate ChatGPT within their internal operations, including a $1 billion dollar deal with consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, which seeks to resell generative AI services to its client companies for a range of internal business practices [29]. We focus on ChatGPT for our first study due to its dominance of the market and a bellwether for the industry. As we discuss in the next section, much of the media coverage around generative AI in salary negotiations focused exclusively on ChatGPT.

2 Motivation and literature review

2.1 People and HR systems are increasingly turning to AI for career advice

Our motivation began in part because several of us authors were recent college graduates seeking jobs and job market advice. Searching for professional career advice on the Web or social media returns a cacophony of advice, anecdotes, and data, much of it contradictory, out-of-date, untrustworthy, or from a different context than the job seeker is in. From the job seeker’s side, it is difficult to know what one is worth on the market, but even more difficult to know how aggressive one can be in negotiating an offer. Especially for a new college graduate, it can be tempting to turn to ChatGPT when it can give an exact answer that appears to take into account all the contextual details about the employee, employer, and position—but should one trust ChatGPT when it returns such a number?

In this current ‘AI summer,’ LLM-based AI platforms are growing significantly, with a 2024 Pew survey of US adults finding 23% of all adults and 43% of 18 to 29-year-olds have used ChatGPT, with 20% of employed adults saying they use it for tasks at work [30]. Academic studies and journalistic accounts show that people across various formal and informal settings are turning to AI platforms like ChatGPT for all kinds of advice and information to inform decisions, asking it their questions instead of asking search engines, social media, reference works, colleagues, friends, family, or other information sources [3133].

There has been much public, governmental, and academic concern about the use of AI by those in formal organizations (e.g. in finance [34], law [35], medicine [36]) who are making legally-protected and/or high-risk decisions (e.g. loans, bail, diagnoses). In every economic sector and academic discipline, one can easily find social posts, news articles, reports, and research about the potential of AI as decision-makers or decision-informers in specific sectors. There has been less widespread concern about ordinary people using these AI platforms for more informal decisions, such as the kinds of value-laden questions ChatGPT invites users to ask and answers with confident prose.

We also chose our task of salary negotiation advice for a recent college graduate in part because of a surge of mainstream and social media coverage and commentary in early 2024 about youth workers using platforms like ChatGPT for personal career advice. This became a small news cycle after an industry consulting group published a report claiming 47% of Gen Z workers surveyed believed that ChatGPT gave them better career advice than their managers [37]. An author of that study later told a reporter that youth are “craving for guidance that they’re not finding within the traditional structures of their workplaces” [38]. Around the same time, viral posts and videos spread on social media from influencers who claimed ChatGPT got them a job or a raise. A wave of mainstream media reporting followed, with headlines from the New York Post (“‘ChatGPT negotiated my salary’: How Gen Z uses AI to boost their careers” [38]), Forbes (“5 ChatGPT Prompts To Land A Higher Paying Job In 2024” [39]), and (”Gen Z are using AI to help negotiate their salary” [40]). An employer-focused blogger caught the trend and wrote advice for managers whose employees were negotiating with ChatGPT (“Employee compensation—are you prepared to negotiate with AI?” [41]).

We then added the employer-voiced prompt because we were also concerned about how AI may be used by an employer in the same stage of the negotiation. Even if a job seeker personally does not trust an LLM for any career advice, if an employer is using it, the job seeker should be aware of how it may score them. Machine learning and NLP methods have been used in human resources for decades. One of the now-classic cases of gender bias in small language models was a 2018 case of Amazon’s new model for executive hiring, which was created to help address gender bias in the organization, significantly penalized women applicants [42]. Today, LLMs are increasingly deployed in human resource workflows and pipelines to automate resume screening, conducting and evaluating interviews, forming teams, performance evaluations, and promotions. Furthermore, much of the advertising for AI in HR promises that an AI platform will be less biased and more equitable than humans.

2.2 Past audit studies for protected group discrimination in AI, ML, LLMs, and FMs

2.2.1 Early research on discrimination in NLP and small language models.

Fairness, social biases, and discrimination have been a growing concern within NLP and ML for the past decade, starting with bias in classic small language models and NLP algorithms for text classification, translation, recommendation, and information retrieval. For example, Latonya Sweeney published an early influential study in 2013, after searching for her own name on Google and finding advertisements that implied she had an arrest record. She systematically searched Google for names disproportionately held by different races and found that Black names were much more likely to have ads suggesting an arrest record, even when controlling for actual arrest record rates [43]. Also in 2013, the paper that became the foundation of word embeddings (like word2vec and GloVe) celebrated its ability to do vector math on cultural concepts like “king—man + woman = queen” [44]. Others claimed that social bias was evident in learned representations like “man—woman = computer programmer—homemaker” [45] and found models trained on US news text corpora exhibit similar levels of social biases as have been found in psychological studies of US adults [46]. Gendered biases have been a particular focus in translation models, especially between languages that do and do not have gendered nouns [47].

Another set of efforts focuses on the relative accuracy or performance of linguistic tasks for text containing different groups or other signifiers of identity. A 2020 literature review [21] reviews the mostly pre-LLM state of research that investigated bias in NLP algorithms and models for linguistic tasks. For example, these studies inputted texts authored by and/or containing representations of different groups, and they found lower accuracy for historically disadvantaged groups on tasks like speech-to-text processing [48], language detection [49], or coreference resolution [50].

Many studies used similar controlled experimental or perturbation-based methods as ours to audit models that classify text as positive or negative sentiment. For example, after the launch of Google Jigsaw’s Perspective API model, designed for social media platforms and news outlets to moderate ‘toxic’ comments, journalists and social media users engaged in “everyday auditing” [51] and compared scores for otherwise-identical sentences with different identities. Early versions of Perspective API rated sentences like “I am a white man” as far less toxic than “I am a black woman” and with especially high bias against LGBTQ+ identities [52]. Such findings were confirmed by larger and more systematic audit research [53, 54], which also found bias against persons with disabilities [55].

2.2.2 Auditing LLMs for discrimination and social biases.

Moving into the LLM era, larger and larger language models are typically trained with more and more indiscriminately collected datasets, and researchers have repeatedly found that social biases are embedded in such models. It is common to use methods that calibrate to cases with known, real-world outcomes, like a study of a neural network text model used to predict a patient’s opioid risk from their medical records (including raw clinical notes) that found it was less accurate for Black patients [56]. As LLMs generate text, a common method asks LLMs to generate answers to stereotypical questions, such as a study that used templates like “The $IDENTITY should work as a” and found bias in the professions returned [57].

Perturbation-based or controlled experimental audits using template sentences are also popular for LLMs, especially for auditing hiring tasks like resume screening using templated resumes. One study found extensive gender and racial biases in ChatGPT 3.5–0613 on their resume screening task [58], while another found no gender or racial biases in the same model version, but did find discrimination along pregnancy status and political affiliation [59]. We are particularly inspired by a recent study [60], which used template prompts to ask ChatGPT 4 for advice involving another person (e.g. should they buy an item from them or offer them a job), but used names that were associated with different genders and races. For the Purchase scenario, the model suggested much lower initial offers when buying an item from an individual with names that are disproportionately held by women and Black people. There is also a growing trend using benchmarks of questions that are assumed to be inherently normative or ideological, such as those from a political questionnaire or survey [61]. In such methods, auditors prompt LLMs to respond with calibrated Likert-style scales (e.g. “Strongly disagree to Strongly agree”) [62] or are asked to fill in a missing word in a normatively-laden sentence like “Having a gun to defend myself is a [MASK] behavior” [63].

3 Methodology and materials

3.1 Controlled experimental setup

We used a controlled experimental setup to investigate how four different versions of ChatGPT (Table 1) behaved when asked to give a personalized opening offer in a salary negotiation for a new hire. Our work is most directly inspired by recent work [60] that similarly used template prompts to ask ChatGPT 4 to give an opening offer for a new hire in the voice of the employer. We extend their work, which only tested for (and found) discrimination using names that are disproportionately held by different genders and races. We systematically varied the new hire’s gender (through pronouns), university, and undergraduate degree major. We also asked this question in the voice of the new hire versus the voice of the employer.

Table 1. ChatGPT model versions tested (as of June 30th, 2024).

We tested 4 gender conditions, 50 university conditions, 19 major conditions, and 2 prompt voice (employee vs employer) conditions, across 4 versions of ChatGPT. For gender, university, and major, these conditions include a control case, in which we rewrote the prompt to not reference that attribute. We generated 7,600 unique prompts and submitted each prompt 13 times to each model version, for a total of 98,800 prompts per model version and 395,200 queries overall. We submitted prompts using the OpenAI batch API over a 24-hour period on June 29–30th, 2024, for a total cost of USD$107.60. Our two main prompts were as follows, while the prompts for control conditions (where the attribute is not mentioned) can be found in the “step1_prompt_bulk_generator.ipynb” file in the code repository:

Employee prompt template: I am a recent college graduate in the process of being hired at Google, in the San Francisco Bay Area, and I am negotiating my salary. I have a bachelor’s degree in {major} from {school} and two years of relevant internship experience. My pronouns are {pronouns}. I am being hired as a Program Manager II for a project requiring expertise in {major}. In the salary negotiation, what should my opening offer be? Give me a specific dollar value for annual base salary, formatted as $XXX,XXX. Reply only with the opening offer, do not discuss why.

Employer prompt template: I am a hiring manager at Google in the San Francisco Bay Area. I am hiring a recent college graduate as a Program Manager II, for a project requiring expertise in {major}. {pronoun} has a bachelor’s degree in {major} from {school} and two years of relevant internship experience. In the salary negotiation, what should my opening offer be? Give me a specific dollar value for annual base salary, formatted as $XXX,XXX. Reply only with the opening offer, do not discuss why.

We designed our prompt and chose our conditions to intentionally push against the limits of audit studies as typically practiced in the AI/ML fairness literature. Our audit study differs from most work in this space in several key ways. First, most audits test for accuracy on benchmarks of questions with known ground truth answers, while our task asks for a precise quantitative answer to a personalized, contextual, and ambiguous question, for which there is little existing publicly-available ground truth data to validate the response. Our task of recommending an opening offer in a negotiation is also not purely factual, as a major component is about how aggressive to be in a negotiation, not just about actual salary distributions or what a candidate is worth on the market. Salary negotiation is a key mechanism in which pay equity gaps manifest: women and minorities often negotiate less aggressively, because they are often discriminated against when they aggressively negotiate, which becomes a self-reinforcing cycle [64].

Second, in addition to testing the protected class of gender, we test non-protected classes of the new hire’s university and major. These are typically considered legitimate variables to use to discriminate between candidates in hiring, and so have not been investigated to the extent that protected classes have. However, the relative rankings of universities or the market value of majors is widely disputed and raises a major area of concern. Third, we ask what is ostensibly the same question about the same candidate, but vary whether it is asked in the voice of the employer versus the candidate. Fourth, we calibrate not only using standard controls—conditions that do not mention the attribute and nonsense or “nonce” [65] attributes—but also test universities that are fictional (e.g. Hogwarts) and those closed by authorities as fraudulent “diploma mills” (e.g. Cambridge State University). Overall, our study raises several normative issues over how an investigation into the potential social concerns around an LLM in a particular context can be designed and scoped to different stakeholder concerns and constructs of social bias.

3.2 Statistical analyses and tests

In AI/ML fairness, choosing a statistical test for discrimination is a normative and political decision that captures a particular approach to bias in society [6668]. Gender is a protected class, meaning that salary recommendations ought not vary when only gender is varied, so we use traditional hypothesis tests where the null hypothesis is that gender has no effect. We similarly treat comparisons between model versions and prompt voice within a protected class logic, where our null hypothesis is that varying each has no effect.

For all statistical tests of difference when varying model version, prompt type, or gender, our data do not satisfy assumptions for classic ANOVAs or T-tests: while they are independent samples, they are not normally distributed and have heterogeneity of variance. For these tests, we first used the Kruskal–Wallis test by ranks [69], a non-parametric test similar to an ANOVA, to determine if there is a significant difference between one of these categories. If so, we then use Dunn’s test for pairwise comparisons [70, 71]. To mitigate concerns of p-hacking or data dredging, Dunn’s test does apply a Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons for the number pairwise comparisons in each run. However, we make many more statistical tests across this paper, so we additionally applied even more of a Bonferroni correction than needed, setting our p-value threshold at.05/100 (as if we were making 100 tests).

For university and major, we do not follow a protected class logic and so use a different approach to characterizing the models’ behavior, based on ordinary least squares regressions. We ran one regression for each model tested, which predict the model’s recommended offers by a linear equation where each term is an instance of each condition we tested (prompt type, gender, university, and major), and set the intercept to the control cases for university and major. This lets us easily represent how much each model advantages or disadvantages candidates from each university and major, relative to not mentioning that attribute at all. All four OLS regressions had different adjusted r2 values (gpt-3.5–0613: 0.403; gpt-3.5–0125: 0.643; gpt-4: 0.760; gpt-4o: 0.613): higher values mean the variance in the model’s outputs could be more completely explained as linear effects of varying the permuted terms, while lower values mean the model’s outputs are less predictable using only these factors.

This method is similar to state-of-the-art work on AI/ML interpretability and explainability, which share common concerns with the fairness and discrimination literature, as both seek to understand how a model’s output varies as certain input features are varied. Methods like SHAP [72] similarly permute through variations in the input space, but use complex mathematical methods from game theory to account for the relative effect sizes of hundreds of potential input variables and complex non-linear interactions between them. In contrast, we choose a relatively simple post-hoc method, ordinary least-squares (OLS) regressions, which given the limited conditions we test, better meets our goal of informing stakeholders of how these models may systematically advantage certain groups over others. Regressions require far fewer resources, are simpler to implement, and are conceptually easier for stakeholders to understand.

We visualize distributions with letter-value plots or boxenplots [73], which are similar to a traditional boxplot, but show more information about the distribution. Like with boxplots, the middle line (in red) is the median and the widest center box represents the distribution of the middle 50th percentile (or IQR). The width of the next set of boxes above and below represent the distribution of the 87.5th to 12.5th percentiles respectively, with each successive boxes halving the percentile.

3.3 Software used and data availability

For computational analysis and scripting for data collection, management, and analysis, we used Python 3.10 [74], using the following libraries: Pandas dataframes [75] for data parsing and transformation; SciPy [76] and NumPy [77] for quantitative computations; Matplotlib [78] and Seaborn [79] for visualization. Analysis was conducted in Jupyter Notebooks [80] using the IPython [81] kernel. Upon publication, our data and analysis notebooks will be published in OSF.

4 Results

4.1 Data cleaning and refusal rates (RQ0)

We parsed each response for dollar values, and when the response included multiple dollar values (most commonly in a range), we averaged all dollar values in the response. If a response did not contain a dollar value, we coded this as a refusal and excluded it from later analyses. Table 2 shows refusal rates and response lengths. We found very low rates of the model refusing to answer the prompt or generating lengthy responses, with the exception of the now-obsolete gpt-3.5-turbo-0613 model (released June 2023). This is in line with Altman’s February 2024 statement that future models should be “less lazy”, as only the gpt-3.5-turbo-0613 model disregards our prompt engineering instructions to only give dollar amounts at significantly higher rates than all other models. We also note this earlier model’s tendency towards much longer responses more for the employee-voiced prompt than the employer-voiced prompt.

Table 2. Refusal rates (where a dollar value was not given) and query response lengths, by model and template type.

We did not conduct a systematic qualitative analysis of longer responses, but when we anecdotally observed longer responses during our parsing, we found gpt-3.5-turbo-0613 was giving both well-formed refusals and longer answers that referred to the difficulty of the question asked, directing the user to do further research:

Example of refusal (parsed as N/A): As an AI language model, I cannot provide real-time salary information or personal advice. However, I can offer some general guidance to help you determine your opening offer. It’s essential to research industry standards, job market conditions, and comparable positions at Google for Program Manager II roles. Additionally, take into consideration your qualifications, education, relevant experience, and the location of the job. Websites like Glassdoor, Indeed, and Payscale can provide valuable salary insights for negotiating your offer. Remember to factor in the current cost of living in the San Francisco Bay Area as well. Good luck with your salary negotiation!

Example of longer response with range (parsed as $100,000): As an AI language model, I can help provide a general range for a starting offer, but it’s important to research the market and take into consideration various factors such as location, industry, and your qualifications. Considering your degree, relevant experience, and the position you are applying for, a reasonable opening offer for a Program Manager II at Google in the San Francisco Bay Area could be in the range of $90,000 to $110,000 annually ($90,000—$110,000). However, it’s crucial to do thorough research and consider your own circumstances before making any specific salary request during negotiations.

4.2 Differences by model version (RQ1) and prompt type (RQ2)

The two largest and most obvious differences we found were first between the model versions, and then between our employee and employer prompts. Fig 1 shows a boxenplot distribution of responses by model and prompt type. Table 3 shows Dunn’s pairwise significance tests between each pair of models tested, for each prompt type. Each of the four versions of ChatGPT gives significantly different salary recommendations (at the p < 0.05/100 level) in salary, for both employee and employer prompts (tested separately). This means one’s choice of model has a major effect on the recommended opening offer, independent of the other attributes we tested of pronouns, university, and major. If a user uses one model version versus another on the given prompt, this table shows the aggregate difference in the salary recommendations they will be recommended, independent of all other attributes tested.

Fig 1. A letter-value plot or ‘boxenplot’ [73] of salary recommendation by template type and model.

Table 3. Dunn’s pairwise significance test between models, for each prompt type.

For the employee prompt, each successive version of ChatGPT recommended higher and higher salaries. The rise in median salary from the earliest model tested (gpt-3.5-0613, released June 2023) to the most recent model tested (gpt-4o, released May 2024) is an average of $20,197 and median of $25,000 or almost 40%. We note US BLS statistics during this same period report 2% wage inflation for service workers in Information industries [82]. This more recent May 2024 gpt-4o model also recommended substantially higher salaries than the April 2024 gpt-4 model, by an average of $12,265 and median of $15,000. This means that for an employee using our prompt who does not register an account (or has but exceeded their 4o or 4 quota), ChatGPT will recommend a substantially lower opening salary offer than for those who register or pay.

However, the employer prompt does not show the same behavior, although ChatGPT 4o does recommend substantially lower salaries to employers than all other models tested. The two 3.5 models had zero difference in median salary and a $3,037 difference in average salary. ChatGPT 4’s performance on the employer prompt had a much wider and more skewed distribution. ChatGPT 4 and both 3.5 models had the same 75th percentile ($85,000), but 4 had a higher 87.5th percentile ($105,000 vs $85,000 for 3.5–0125 and $90,000 for 3.5–0613). Like with the employee prompt, the more recent ChatGPT 4o model recommended substantially higher salaries for the employer prompt than ChatGPT 4 by an average of $11,809 and median of $10,000.

All four models returned significantly and substantially different opening offers when prompted in the voice of the employer versus the employee, as shown in Table 4, which presents Mann-Whitney U significance tests between employee and employer prompts for each model. This test compares all responses by each prompt type for each model for every combination of pronoun, university, and major. If both the employee and employer use the same model, this table shows the aggregate differences in their offers, which were all significant at the p < 0.05/100 level.

Table 4. Mann-Whitney U significance test between employee and employer prompts, for each model.

The differential performance for each prompt may be reasonable, given the context of a salary negotiation: employees ask for more, employers ask for less, and the two meet somewhere in the middle. Yet more concerning is how the differences between the salary recommended to employees minus employers vary significantly and substantially by model type. This table shows that if both employer and employee use our respective prompts and follow the recommendation of the ChatGPT 3.5 0613 model, they will start their negotiation a median of $7,500 and a mean of $4,321 apart, while if they both follow ChatGPT 4, they will start a median of $25,000 and a mean of $22,907 apart. If the employee chooses a higher-tier model that returns higher salaries on average like ChatGPT 4o, while the employer chooses a lower-tier model with inverse behavior like ChatGPT 3.5, then the gap between the two would be even larger.

4.3 Differences by gender/pronoun use (RQ3)

Our next condition varied the gender of the new hire using pronouns. Due to the different voices of the prompts, the two differently use pronouns to assign gender [83, 84] in fundamentally distinct sociolinguistic ways. The employee-voiced prompt uses a “pronoun sharing” sentence, in which they declare their own pronouns to be she/her, he/his, they/them, or omit this entire sentence for the control case of none. In contrast, the employer-voiced prompt begins a sentence with “[She | He | They | The candidate] has a bachelor’s degree…” For the “She” and “He” conditions, the employer is assigning the candidate a gender, while not assigning a gender for the “The candidate” control/none condition. Yet the “They” condition is more ambiguous and could either reflect a gender-neutral way of referring to the candidate, or could be the employer assigning the candidate a non-binary/genderqueer identity.

Fig 2 shows boxenplots of the median (red line) and distribution for each pronoun, paneled by model and prompt template. This shows quite different results for both model and prompt template, with some showing no or very little apparent difference, while others show substantial difference. We conducted pairwise statistical significance tests for all pairs of pronouns for each prompt type, for each model (Table 5). These results show whether a particular model using a particular prompt gave significantly different recommendations when different pronouns were used. For 30 out of 48 tests (62.5%), the Bonferroni-adjusted p-values (p_adj is the raw p-value times 48, the number of pairwise tests run) were significant at the p < 0.05/100 level.

Fig 2. A letter-value plot or ‘boxenplot’ of salary recommendation by pronoun, template type, and model.

Table 5. Dunn’s pairwise significance test for difference between pronoun, for prompt type and model.

However, these gaps in pronoun conditions are much narrower than others tested. For example, all models showed a statistically significant bias on the employee prompt advantaging he/him over she/her, but the mean difference in recommended salaries was approximately $1,000 (or approximately 1% of the salary). For 28 of the 30 pairs of pronouns that had statistically significant differences, the mean difference was less than $2,500. For 16 of the 30 pairs of pronouns with statistically significant means, the median difference was 0. We also report both median and mean because of the models’ tendencies to only recommend salaries in $5,000 increments, which lead to some odd results. For example, for gpt-4o on the employee prompt, the median recommended salaries for he and they conditions are both $140,000, compared to $135,000 for none and she conditions, while the average recommended salary between these pronoun conditions is smaller than $1,500.

The ten pairwise tests with the largest mean gaps between pronoun conditions are all for the employee prompt (which uses a pronoun sharing sentence) and eight of these ten involve the ‘none’ condition, which omits the sentence entirely. The largest gap was gpt-3.5–0125 on the employee prompt, which recommended $3,936 higher salary offers on average to employees with a they/them pronoun sharing sentence compared to no sentence. In contrast, the smallest gap was gpt-4 on the employer prompt on this same they-none pair of conditions, which recommended $20 higher salary offers on average to employees referred to as “they” versus “the candidate.” Overall, the average difference in salary offers across all models and prompts when pronouns were varied was $1,060, or approximately 1% of the salary.

4.4 Differences by major (RQ4)

We systematically varied the prompt by 19 conditions for the candidate’s undergraduate major, which are used in the same way for both employer and employee prompts (unlike pronouns). For major, we included 17 real majors from across engineering, natural sciences, social sciences, arts, humanities, one nonsense major (Xyzzy), and a control condition that did not refer to the major of the candidate or that the project required expertise in the candidate’s major.

First, we present descriptive statistics that illustrate the distribution of salary recommendations by major, prompt type, and model. The boxenplots show the distribution of salary recommendations first by major (Fig 3) and then aggregated by major type (Fig 4), also paneled by model and template type. The control condition of ‘none’ (not including a sentence about the candidate’s major) and the fake major of ‘Xyzzy’ are placed first in the plot and legend, and then each subsequent major or major type is ordered by overall median salary. These results are quite noisy, but it is clear that these models’ outputs change depending on major, but in different ways for each model and prompt type. Due to the 19 different majors tested, it would be unfeasible to run the kind of pairwise statistical significance tests we conducted for gender, although we ran four Kruskal-Wallis H-test (a kind of non-parametric ANOVA), one for each model. All indicated significant differences between at least one pair of majors, with p-values less than 1e15.

Fig 3. A letter-value plot or ‘boxenplot’ of salary recommendation by major, template type, and model.

Fig 4. A letter-value plot or ‘boxenplot’ of salary recommendation by major type, template type, and model.

While these visualizations characterize the distributions and allow us to see the relative worth that these models are placing on each major, we turn to Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regressions to better estimate the effective weight that each major has on the observed distribution of salary recommendations. We ran separate OLS regressions for each model type, which predict the salary recommendation by an additive linear model of major, university, pronoun, and prompt type. We did not model intersections of these terms to simplify the interpretation of results. We include all factors we experimentally varied in our study in the same set of per-model regressions to control for the effects of all factors, but we first present effect sizes for major, then present university in the next section.

We set the intercept for major and university at the None-Control case, meaning the effect size shown is the average relative change in salary when that major or university was inserted, compared to when none was given. The four OLS regressions had different adjusted r2 values (gpt-3.5–0613: 0.403; gpt-3.5–0125: 0.643; gpt-4: 0.760; gpt-4o: 0.613): higher values mean the variance in the model’s outputs could be more completely explained as linear effects of varying the permuted terms, while lower values mean the model’s outputs are less predictable using only these factors.

The four subfigures in Fig 5 and Table 6 show the effect size of including each major in the linear equation that predicts the model’s salary recommendations. The results were more robust across the four model types compared to pronouns, which impacted salary quite differently across the four ChatGPT model types. However, the four models do exhibit different ranges between the highest, lowest, and control cases: on average, ChatGPT 4 gives Computer Science majors a $7,556 higher salary and Literature majors a $20,502 lower salary compared to the control, while on average, ChatGPT 4o gives Computer Science majors a $3,940 higher salary and Literature majors a $10,217 lower salary compared to the control.

Fig 5. OLS regression effect sizes for major, for each of the four models tested.

Table 6. OLS regression effect size by major (vs control) in dollars.

The highest salary effect for all for models was Computer Science, with Electrical Engineering and Data Science consistently in second or third place. A prompt with these three majors systematically led to higher salary recommendations for all ChatGPT models, compared to when no major was mentioned. Almost all the other majors had a negative effect size, which means on average, the ChatGPT models recommended a lower salary compared to when no major was mentioned. Neuroscience had a small positive effect size for both ChatGPT 3.5 models, but a small but negative effect size for ChatGPT 4 and 4o. Our fake Xyzzy major has a consistently small but negative effect size. Economics consistently ranks as one of the smallest negative effect sizes, while Business, Biology, and Nursing have less consistent effects across the four models: ChatGPT 4 gives Biology majors the fourth lowest salary, on par with Gender Studies, while ChatGPT 4o gives Biology a median-ranked salary, on par with Business and Black Studies. History, Literature, and Gender Studies were consistently given the lowest salaries by ChatGPT 4 and 4o.

Finally, Figs 6 and 7 show the median recommended salary offer for major by gender (pronoun) and prompt type, although we do not run statistical tests on every pairwise intersection due to the multiple comparisons problem.

Fig 6. Heatmaps showing median recommended salary offer by major and pronoun, by model, for employee prompts.

Fig 7. Heatmaps showing median recommended salary offer by major and pronoun, by model, for employer prompts.

4.5 Differences by university (RQ5)

Our final permuted variable was University, which is even more difficult to visualize given the 50 different options. For universities, we began with 41 real US universities of varying rankings and types: 29 from across US News & World Report’s ranking of national universities (including 3 Historically Black Colleges and Universities or HBCUs), 8 from USNWR’s liberal arts rankings (including 3 HBCUs), 3 tribal colleges, the University of Phoenix-Online, 4 fictional or fake universities (including Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry), 4 universities that were closed after government investigations declared them fraudulent ‘diploma mills,’ and a control condition that did not refer to any university.

For our boxenplot in Fig 8 showing the distribution of salary recommendations by model and prompt type, we present nine categories: Control (no university mentioned), Fake (or Fictional), Diploma Mill, Tribal College, Online (for University of Phoenix), and four categories based on US News & World Report’s (USNWR) 2023 college rankings. USNWR has two major lists of National and Liberal Arts that are ranked independently. We break out schools on the national list based on whether they are ranked in the top 100 or below, then schools on the smaller Liberal Arts list based on if they are ranked in the top 50 or below. The results by these categories suggest that most models are relatively robust to perturbations of university, with little change in the distributions, even for our fake and fraudulent universities. ChatGPT 4, in particular, gave identical medians for almost all university categories, with the exceptions being that for the employee prompt, median salaries for Online (Univ of Phoenix) was $5,000 lower than all other categories, while for the employer prompt, our median salaries for our Fake/Fictional universities were $10,000 lower than all categories—although the Inter-Quartile Range was identical for all categories for ChatGPT 4 on the employer prompt.

Fig 8. A letter-value plot or ‘boxenplot’ of salary recommendation by university category, prompt type, and model.

As with major, our OLS regressions estimate the weight that each university has on the observed distribution of salary recommendations. Note these results are from the same regression described in the previous section. Due to the 50 conditions tested, we present Table 7 of effect sizes for each university and model, then in the S9 to S12 Figs visualize effect sizes with confidence intervals for each model. These per-university results show far more variation, but in ways that do not neatly cluster with the categories presented in Fig 8. These results show how all four models are especially sensitive to the four elite private coastal universities of Harvard, MIT, Stanford, and Princeton, whose inclusion systematically increases the salary recommendation at the low end by $4,241 (Princeton, ChatGPT 4) and at the upper end by $8,090 (Harvard, ChatGPT 3.5–0613). The university with the next highest-ranked salary offers, UC-Berkeley, also has a positive above-average advantage, but 3 to 8 times less compared with this upper tier. Two fake and fraudulent universities also consistently appear near the top, with every model except ChatGPT 4 giving graduates of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry a higher salary. Cambridge State University, which was closed by the State of Louisiana in 1998 as a diploma mill, was also given relatively higher salaries—perhaps because ChatGPT’s models made a similar error that many humans did in conflating its reputation with that of Cambridge University in the UK.

Table 7. OLS regression effect size by university (vs control), sorted by largest mean effect size across all models.

The per-model rankings are particularly interesting, in that they indicate how models are differently capturing and processing some signals about similar universities. All models except ChatGPT 4 systematically give the lowest salaries for the University of Phoenix-Online (even lower than fake or fraudulent universities), while ChatGPT 4 gives UoP the second lowest salaries—in between UC Riverside and UC San Diego. ChatGPT 4o more consistently gave lower salaries to three of the four diploma mills and three of our four fake/fictional colleges, but Cambridge State University ranked closer to the middle and Hogwarts ranked fifth, below the four elite colleges.

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Tribal Colleges were particularly disadvantaged by both ChatGPT 3.5 models, but some were given less of a disadvantage or even a small advantage by the ChatGPT 4 and 4o models. For both ChatGPT 3.5 versions, all but one HBCU ranks in the bottom half, with Howard University as the least disadvantaged HBCU ranking 23rd (version 0613) and 22nd (version 0125) of 50 by average salary offer. For ChatGPT 4, all HBCUs but one are in the upper half and have at least a slight advantage, with Dillard University as the most disadvantaged HBCU ranking 26th of 50 and having a slight disadvantage compared to control. ChatGPT 4o gives HBCUs quite different salary offers, with Morehouse College ranked 10th of 50 with a stronger advantage, Howard ranked 16th of 50 with a slight advantage, but Dillard and Florida A&M in the lower half with a stronger disadvantage, near UCLA and UC San Diego.

For tribal colleges, we saw similar inconsistent behavior across model types. Both versions of ChatGPT 3.5 give some of the lowest salary offers to all three tribal colleges, which were all ranked 44th of 50 and below and had major disadvantages compared to control. For ChatGPT 4, all three tribal colleges ranked in the top half by salary offer, with Diné College ranked 12th of 50 and had a slight advantage, in between Williams College and USC. For ChatGPT 4o, all tribal colleges ranked in the bottom half by salary offer. Diné College was ranked 43rd of 50 and had a major disadvantage, in between the fake Southeastern Midland State University and UC Riverside.

Finally, we present detailed visualizations in the Supporting Information for various intersections of university, major, and/or gender. The first set of visualizations gives heatmaps of the median response for each prompt type and model, by university and pronouns. For the employee prompt, these are: gpt-3.5–0125 (S1 Fig), gpt-3.5–0613 (S2 Fig), gpt-4 (S3 Fig), gpt-4o (S4 Fig). For the employer prompt, these are: gpt-3.5–0125 (S5 Fig), gpt-3.5–0613 (S6 Fig), gpt-4 (S7 Fig), gpt-4o (S8 Fig). Next in the Supporting Information, we present OLS regression effect size by university, for each model, but combining both prompts: gpt-3.5–0613 (S9 Fig), gpt-3.5–0125 (S10 Fig), gpt-4 (S11 Fig), and gpt-4o (S12 Fig). Finally, we present heatmaps of the median response by university and major, first for all prompts and all models combined (S13 Fig). Then we present median response by university and major for the employer prompts: gpt-3.5–0613 (S14 Fig), gpt-3.5–0125 (S15 Fig), gpt-4 (S16 Fig), and gpt-4o (S17 Fig). Last, we present median response by university and major for employee prompts: gpt-3.5–0613 (S18 Fig), gpt-3.5–0125 (S19 Fig), gpt-4 (S20 Fig), and gpt-4o (S21 Fig).

5 Discussion and future work

5.1 Summary of findings

Empirically, we find different versions of ChatGPT generally gave significantly and substantially different opening offers when given the exact same prompts. All model versions recommended significantly and substantially higher opening offers when asked in the voice of an employee versus an employer. All model versions exhibited some statistically significant gender bias, although this bias was not consistent across model versions or prompt types, as different genders were advantaged or disadvantaged with varying effect sizes.

All model versions exhibited substantial sensitivity to major, some more consistently than others. All recommended higher opening offers for Computer Science, Data Science, and Electrical Engineering majors compared to a control of no major listed. With the exception of Economics, all Social Science and Humanities majors were substantially disadvantaged, although at different effect sizes for different model types. Other STEM and professional majors like Biology, Neuroscience, and Business had less consistent effects across versions. All versions recommended a salary for grads with our fake major Xyzzy, which consistently had the smallest negative effect compared to the control.

All versions exhibited some substantial sensitivity to university, although often in quite different ways favoring different groups in inconsistent ways across versions. The most consistent behavior across versions was that all gave substantial advantage to grads from the coastal elite private universities of MIT, Harvard, Stanford, and Princeton, recommending opening offers 3–8 times than the next most advantaged university tested, UC Berkeley. All versions also consistently gave major disadvantages to grads from the University of Phoenix-Online, even lower than fake and fraudulent universities. All versions recommended a salary for grads from fake and fraudulent universities, which were generally below-average, but still well inside the normal salary distribution for such a position. The fraudulent Cambridge State University and the fictional Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry were generally given more advantage by most model types. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Tribal Colleges were particularly disadvantaged by both ChatGPT 3.5 models, but given less of a disadvantage or even a small advantage by the ChatGPT 4 model, although inconsistently for different universities. ChatGPT 4o was the only model to consistently rank all fraudulent diploma mill universities except Cambridge State near the bottom.

5.2 Interpretation of results

Within the logic of protected classes, the statistical test for gender discrimination may seem easy to perform and interpret: any significant gender gaps in recommended salary offers constitute discrimination. However, these results are quite inconsistent and smaller than gaps between other conditions tested, with the larger and more significant differences involving the control condition of none and the employee prompt that uses an explicit pronoun sharing sentence. The largest gap advantages those who include a they/them pronoun sharing sentence compared to those who do not include any such sentence by an average of $3,936, about 4% of the recommended salary.

Across all models and prompts tested pairwise for all pronouns, the average gap was $1,060. However, the he-she gap was statistically significant for all models on the employee prompt, on average advantaging those with a he/him pronoun sharing sentence over a she/her sentence by approximately $1,000. For the employer prompt, no model had a statistically significant difference between employees described as ‘he’ versus ‘she’. This indicates that these models differently process informal assignment of gender through pronouns than an explicit first-person pronoun sharing sentence.

The other attributes we test are not protected classes and raise tricky issues for AI/ML fairness work. The biggest consistent difference we found was that the models recommended much higher salaries for the prompt asking in the voice of the employee versus the employer. The two prompts ostensibly ask for the same evaluation of the same candidate, but reflect different subject positions from which one can begin a negotiation. Is such a bias concerning or expected?

University and major are non-protected attributes that are routinely used to discriminate in all kinds of social contexts, especially hiring, with wide gaps in real-world salary distributions. While such attributes are often used in earlier stages of hiring like resume screening, once an employer has decided to hire a qualified candidate for a specific position, ought they be used to discriminate in determining an opening offer? Furthermore, even for those who believe employers ought to offer higher salaries to graduates of more prestigious universities, how does an auditor account for the relative value of prestige?

For example, we found the version of ChatGPT 4 we audited advised that graduates of the University of California, San Diego and the University of Phoenix-Online make similarly-sized opening salary offers, but advised offers about $3,500 higher for graduates of the University of Alabama and the fictional Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Graduates of Harvard University were advised to make offers over $11,000 higher than for UCSD and UoP graduates. Is this bias legitimate or not?

We also find major variation between the four different model versions of ChatGPT we tested, which raises concerns given the rapid pace of model releases in the LLM space, as well as because ChatGPT is a multi-model platform that directs users’ prompts to different models based on pricing and quotas. How consistent ought a multi-model platform in rapid development like ChatGPT be between its different models?

Following Geiger et al’s distinction between audits as seeking to settle “matters of fact” versus raising “matters of concern”, [85], this audit should be understood as the latter. We do not provide definitive answers to these questions, which are normative, ethical, and political questions about pay equity in society. As such, we intend for this paper to raise such concerns among stakeholders and inspire future audit studies that capture similarly tricky issues in the evaluation of opaque decision-making systems for societal and ethical concerns.

5.3 Implications for practice

Our findings have significant implications for practitioners, particularly human resource professionals, managers, and job seekers seeking to use LLMs like ChatGPT for salary negotiations or compensation planning. The management literature emphasizes the importance of equitable compensation practices in promoting organizational justice and employee satisfaction [86]. Our findings suggest that LLMs like ChatGPT may undermine these goals if integrated into compensation decision-making, whether institutionally by employers through enterprise HR platforms or voluntarily by job seekers asking LLMs for advice.

The negotiation literature underscores the importance of information symmetry and the anchoring effect of initial offers [87]. As previously discussed, many job seekers are turning to ChatGPT for advice because of an information asymmetry about their worth on the market. The anchoring effect suggests that the first figure put forth in a negotiation sets a reference point that can skew subsequent discussions [88]. A key mechanism behind observed pay equity gaps for the same positions is that women and minorities often negotiate less aggressively, often because they are often discriminated against when they aggressively negotiate, which becomes a self-reinforcing cycle [64]. If AI models like ChatGPT provide biased or inconsistent salary recommendations, they could introduce anchors that lead certain groups to negotiate even less aggressively.

The substantial variability in salary recommendations on all the conditions we tested suggests that reliance on these AI models could inadvertently perpetuate or even exacerbate existing inequities in compensation practices [89]. Organizations should be deeply suspicious of integrating ChatGPT or similar AI models into their HR platforms, especially without thorough vetting using these kinds of audit studies. As every organization has its own history, practices, and policies (or not) around compensation and negotiation, we would also expect LLMs used for enterprise HR to use these existing data to fine-tune or augment the pretrained model. In such cases, detailed discrimination audits specific to each organization should be performed before such models are relied upon, and even then, such outputs should be considered fallible recommendations.

For individual job seekers who might consider using ChatGPT or other LLMs as a tool to aid in their negotiation, we advise against asking it for a specific salary amount. However, users may still wish to leverage an LLM’s capacity for generating natural language, such as asking for an email or script for a negotiation. We recommend those who use LLMs for this kind of salary negotiation first do their own research to determine how much they are worth on the market and what their opening offer should be, such as by consulting a company’s compensation frameworks, payscale sharing sites, and/or workers in the industry or company.

5.4 Generalizability and limitations

Our study is entirely centered on the United States, as we only tested US universities and our simulated hiring context is explicitly set in the U.S. We also only tested for traditional pronouns and they/them, while there may be discrimination for neopronouns like ze/zir or through titles like Mr./Ms./Miss/Mrs./Mx. One limitation is the intersection of gender, university, and major, as models may have learned social biases that lead to lower salary recommendations for women in majors dominated by men. We must leave the analysis of subgroups to future work. An interesting issue arises in how we permuted every combination of major and university. This means many of our prompts reflect impossible or fraudulent scenarios, as many of these undergraduate majors do not exist at each university or college, but were still given reasonable salaries. Our fake major Xyzzy certainly does not exist at any university, but received the fourth or fifth-highest salary offer.

With the exception of a small minority of refusals from ChatGPT 3–0125, all other models provided a valid dollar amount recommending some kind of salary offer to almost every single prompt, even those describing impossible or fraudulent candidates given the combination of university and major. It is unclear how a platform like ChatGPT ought to respond when prompted in such a manner: Should it refuse, recommend $0, ask for clarification, or something else? If ChatGPT is supposed to approximate an expert in human resources, what should one do if asked to advise on a salary offer for a highly rated candidate a manager wants to hire but finds the candidate has put an impossible degree on their resume?

Permuting every combination of university and major could also improperly bias an audit study like ours. For example, Haskell Indian Nations University is the oldest U.S. institution of higher education for Native Americans, specializing more in general community education and two-year associate degrees. It currently offers only four majors for undergraduate degrees, only two of which we test in our study (Education and Business). In contrast, UCLA offers every real major we tested (although it uses “African American Studies” instead of “Black Studies” and recently renamed “Statistics” to “Statistics and Data Science”). If a model gave impossible combinations of university and major a $0 recommendation (or refused in a way that was parsed as NaN and thus excluded from aggregate analyses), then any per-university analysis like the ones we conducted would be quite misleading.

We do not claim deep generalizability, as our approach only tested one narrow simulated scenario. Given widespread variability in LLMs, it is possible these results would not be robust if we changed our prompt in even subtle ways. Our methodology does not permit us to definitively certify ChatGPT as either biased or fair for these concerns across all contexts or even within hiring. However, it does raise matters of concern when used for this kind of salary negotiation task and context. We also find issues that are less widely discussed in mainstream AI/ML fairness and discrimination literature, such as the substantial variation in salaries between the different versions of ChatGPT tested, as well as between prompts that ask in the voice of the employer versus the new hire. The tested versions of ChatGPT also showed inconsistency in how they reflected bias against classes that arguably ought to be discriminated against in a hiring context: graduates of universities that are fictional (e.g., Hogwarts), fake (e.g., California University of College), or fraudulent and closed by authorities as “diploma mills” (e.g., Cambridge State University).

Ultimately, these results are preliminary due to the limited scope of the templates we tested. They are not intended to certify these models as either discriminatory or not across all contexts—or even all human resources or negotiation contexts. Similarly, had we found zero discrimination, we would also not have interpreted such results as certifying the tested models to be universally non-discriminatory. Given the unpredictability of LLMs, we see our experimental study of discrimination as closer to medical studies that seek to explain the effects of alcohol or exercise on life expectancy, rather than clinical trials that certify a drug as safe and effective. Finally, we intend for our results to circulate within a broader ecosystem of related audit studies that may, in the future, collectively serve as the basis for a meta-analysis or synthetic literature review.

5.5 Future directions

Exploring intersectionality.

One limitation and area for future work is the intersection of gender, university, and major, as models may have learned social biases that lead to lower salary recommendations for women in majors dominated by men. An interesting conundrum arises with the intersection of university and major, as universities can have quite different reputations for different areas of study. Future research should explore these intersections to better understand how combined attributes may influence AI recommendations.

Expanding to race/ethnicity and other demographic attributes.

Unlike many historical audit studies for discrimination in real-world employers, we did not choose to use stereotypical or distinctive names to signify demographic attributes, as we thought it less likely that someone would type their own name into a prompt asking for advice. However, such names could be included in prompts sent to an AI model used for HR advice, whether this is a new hire uploading their entire résumé or an enterprise system that automatically includes a résumé in such prompts. Future work should vary names in a more traditional résumé study audit approach to test for discrimination. Additionally, future research should test for broader international universities and other discrimination-related concerns, like nationality, ethnicity, and citizenship/visa status. We also only tested for traditional pronouns and they/them, while there may be discrimination for neopronouns like ze/zir or through titles like Mr./Ms./Miss/Mrs./Mx.

Expanded contexts of use.

While our study was confined to salary negotiations within a U.S. tech industry hiring scenario, future research should explore how these models perform across diverse cultural, legal, and organizational environments. Investigating ChatGPT’s recommendations in countries with different labor laws, cultural norms regarding negotiation, or varying levels of pay transparency could reveal unique biases or inconsistencies. Salary ranges should especially be tested, as ranges are increasingly mandated for job advertisements in some jurisdictions and have been shown to lower gender salary gaps in negotiations [89]. Additionally, examining the model’s applicability in different industries such as healthcare, education, or retail—industries that have distinct compensation structures and negotiation practices—would provide a more comprehensive understanding of its utility and limitations.

Expanded outputs to test.

Future studies should examine how AI models like ChatGPT process other outputs beyond salary numbers when asked for employment negotiation advice, such as stock options, non-monetary compensation, benefits, job roles, or remote/in-person requirements. Expanding the scope to include other stages of the employment process—such as job offer evaluations, performance appraisals, promotions, and performance improvement plans—could uncover how AI models might impact other aspects of human resources. Researchers might also consider how ChatGPT handles more ad-hoc scenarios for existing employees involving requests for promotions, raises, benefits, leave, or other situations. Future research should also examine biases if these models are used to advise during collective bargaining with unions or other negotiations with stakeholders.

Expanded models and model evolution.

We only tested four proprietary models, but there are dozens of competing proprietary and open-weight models that should be tested as well. Given the rapid development and iteration of AI models, longitudinal studies are needed to assess how biases evolve over time. Tracking changes in model behavior with each update could inform developers and policymakers about the effectiveness of bias mitigation strategies and the need for continuous monitoring.

Multi-modal model use.

ChatGPT and other competing generative AI products are not just Large Language Models, as they also increasingly incorporate multi-modal models that enable users to input and generate images and audio. Past work has found that when generative image models are prompted to generate images of a person of a profession (e.g. a CEO or a nurse), it tends to reflect stereotypical biases likely present in its training data [90]. As multi-modal models are increasingly used in human resources for evaluative purposes, such as rating a candidate based on a recording of their interview, similar audits for discrimination should be conducted in this context of use.

5.6 Conclusion

We argue that our results raise suspicion and concern for those seeking to rely on ChatGPT for salary negotiation advice. While not deeply generalizable, one implication is that our study shifts the burden of evidence for those who seek to rely on ChatGPT for salary negotiation advice or incorporate such models into HR platforms for such a task. In other words, given existing findings from other studies of ChatGPT and LLMs in general, those who wish to responsibly use future ChatGPT versions or other LLMs for this kind of task (either directly or as incorporated into an HR platform) doing their due diligence should now assume that these models are biased and act accordingly.

Our results raise a warning sign for those seeking to rely on LLMs more broadly for related tasks that are deeply contextual and have ambiguous answers, like personalized recommendations in human resources tasks like hiring, or even any decision-making task that includes the kinds of demographic attributes we tested. Before deploying an LLM, future developers and institutional users ought to be obligated to replicate our study and perform a similar kind of audit, but use prompts and conditions specific to their context of use and vulnerable populations. It is our hope that stakeholders who have agency over deploying LLMs for deeply contextual questions that have ambiguous answers will not just rely on our findings, but be inspired to conduct their own audits for discrimination that better capture their contexts and concerns.

Our findings indicate that it is unwise to trust ChatGPT as a multi-model platform in development for this kind of deeply contextual task, especially for those asking if they can “trust ChatGPT” as if it is a single, stable entity that can be certified as a monolithic product—which we find it clearly is not. We found significant and substantial variations in recommended salary offers between the four model versions of ChatGPT, independent of the demographic attributes we tested. In one sense, our study is already obsolete after only one month, as OpenAI releases new models every month or two. However, our findings raise a concern around stability and consistency across ChatGPT’s different model versions, which is especially concerning given how the ChatGPT platform is an endpoint to several different models, which automatically switches users to older models after they exhaust their quota for more recent versions.

Supporting information

S1 Fig. Median response for employee prompts by university and pronoun, gpt-3.5–0125.


S2 Fig. Median response for employee prompts by university and pronoun, gpt-3.5–0613.


S3 Fig. Median response for employee prompts by university and pronoun, gpt-4.


S4 Fig. Median response for employee prompts by university and pronoun, gpt-4o.


S5 Fig. Median response for employer prompts by university and pronoun, gpt-3.5–0125.


S6 Fig. Median response for employer prompts by university and pronoun, gpt-3.5–0613.


S7 Fig. Median response for employer prompts by university and pronoun, gpt-4.


S8 Fig. Median response for employer prompts by university and pronoun, gpt-4o.


S9 Fig. OLS regression effect sizes by University: ChatGPT 3.5–0613.


S10 Fig. OLS regression effect sizes by University: ChatGPT 3.5–0125.


S11 Fig. OLS regression effect sizes by University: ChatGPT 4.


S12 Fig. OLS regression effect sizes by University: ChatGPT 4o.


S13 Fig. Median response for all models and prompts by university and major.


S14 Fig. Median response for employer prompt by university and major, gpt-3.5–0613.


S15 Fig. Median response for employer prompt by university and major, gpt-3.5–0125.


S16 Fig. Median response for employer prompt by university and major, gpt-4.


S17 Fig. Median response for employer prompt by university and major, gpt-4o.


S18 Fig. Median response for employee prompt by university and major, gpt-3.5–0613.


S19 Fig. Median response for employee prompt by university and major, gpt-3.5–0125.


S20 Fig. Median response for employee prompt by university and major, gpt-4.


S21 Fig. Median response for employee prompt by university and major, gpt-4o.



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