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Correction: Correlation of Sedline-generated variables and clinical signs with anaesthetic depth in experimental pigs receiving propofol

  • Alessandro Mirra,
  • Claudia Spadavecchia,
  • Olivier Levionnois
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In Table 2, the data in the columns Final model and Bootstrap of rows "Median effective dose, Emax2, Median effective dose2 and γ2 under Patients State Index (PSI) category are incorrect. Please see the correct Table 2 here.

Table 2. Pharmacodynamic parameter estimates and confidence interval for the final model and Bootstrap (1000 simulations) for patient state index (PSI) and suppression ratio (SR).


  1. 1. Mirra A, Spadavecchia C, Levionnois O (2022) Correlation of Sedline-generated variables and clinical signs with anaesthetic depth in experimental pigs receiving propofol. PLOS ONE 17(9): e0275484. pmid:36174080