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Correction: Growth and the pubertal growth spurt in South African adolescents living with perinatally-acquired HIV infection

  • Bilema Mwambenu,
  • Vundli Ramokolo,
  • Ria Laubscher,
  • Ute Feucht
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The fourth author’s name is spelled incorrectly. The correct name is: Vundli Ramokolo. The correct citation is: Mwambenu B, Ramokolo V, Laubscher R, Feucht U (2022) Growth and the pubertal growth spurt in South African adolescents living with perinatally-acquired HIV infection. PLOS ONE 17(1): e0262816.


  1. 1. Mwambenu B, Ramoloko V, Laubscher R, Feucht U (2022) Growth and the pubertal growth spurt in South African adolescents living with perinatally-acquired HIV infection. PLOS ONE 17(1): e0262816. pmid:35077489