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Correction: Mutational analysis in sodium-borate cotransporter SLC4A11 in consanguineous families from Punjab, Pakistan

  • Afia Iqbal,
  • Shagufta Naz,
  • Haiba Kaul,
  • Saima Sharif,
  • Aysha Khushbakht,
  • Muhammad Asif Naeem,
  • Mehwish Iqtedar,
  • Afshan Kaleem,
  • Sabika Firasat,
  • Farkhanda Manzoor
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There is an error in the affiliation for author Sabika Firasat. The correct affiliation is: Department of Zoology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.


  1. 1. Iqbal A, Naz S, Kaul H, Sharif S, Khushbakht A, Naeem MA, et al. (2022) Mutational analysis in sodium-borate cotransporter SLC4A11 in consanguineous families from Punjab, Pakistan. PLoS ONE 17(8): e0273685. pmid:36037197