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Correction: Serum bicarbonate is a marker of peri-operative mortality but is not associated with long term survival in colorectal cancer

  • Joseph Chung Yan Chan,
  • Connie Irene Diakos,
  • Alexander Engel,
  • David Lok Hang Chan,
  • Nick Pavlakis,
  • Anthony Gill,
  • Stephen John Clarke
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There is an error in Table 2. In the second column of Table 2, the numbers of patients for the ‘low’ and ‘normal’ groups have been switched in the rows under the variable named ‘Creatinine,’. Currently there are 1791 patients with ‘low’ creatinine and 86 patients with ‘normal’ creatinine. There should instead be 86 patients with ‘low’ creatinine and 1791 patients with ‘normal’ creatinine. This corresponds with the number originally referred to in Table 1. The hazard ratios and p values remain unchanged in their assigned columns and rows. The footnote in Table 2 relating to the variable ‘creatinine’ has also been altered, to bring additional clarity to the values for male and female patients.

Table 2. Primary univariate and multivariate analysis of key serum, inflammatory and genomic markers in relation to 30-day overall survival in CRC patients undergoing resection of their primary tumor.

There is also an error in Table 3. In the second column of Table 3, in the rows under the variable named ‘Creatinine,’, the numbers of patients for the ‘low’ and ‘normal’ groups have been switched. Currently there are 1791 patients with ‘low’ creatinine and 86 patients with ‘normal’ creatinine. There should instead be 86 patients with ‘low’ creatinine and 1791 patients with ‘normal’ creatinine. This corresponds with the number originally referred to in table 1. The hazard ratios and p values remain unchanged in their assigned columns and rows.

Table 3. Primary univariate and multivariate analysis of key serum, inflammatory and genomic markers in relation to 5-year overall survival in CRC patients undergoing resection of their primary tumor.

In Tables 2 and 3, the footnotes relating to the variable ‘creatinine’ have been altered to bring additional clarity to the values for male and female patients.


  1. 1. Chan JCY, Diakos CI, Engel A, Chan DLH, Pavlakis N, Gill A, et al. (2020) Serum bicarbonate is a marker of peri-operative mortality but is not associated with long term survival in colorectal cancer. PLoS ONE 15(1): e0228466. pmid:31999779