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Correction: A longitudinal study on perceived health in cardiovascular patients: The role of conscientiousness, subjective wellbeing and cardiac self-efficacy

  • Carmen Tabernero,
  • Tamara Gutiérrez-Domingo,
  • Michele Vecchione,
  • Esther Cuadrado,
  • Rosario Castillo-Mayén,
  • Sebastián Rubio,
  • Alicia Arenas,
  • Javier Delgado-Lista,
  • Pablo Pérez-Martínez,
  • Bárbara Luque
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The ninth author’s name is spelled incorrectly. The correct name is: Pablo Pérez-Martínez.


  1. 1. Tabernero C, Gutiérrez-Domingo T, Vecchione M, Cuadrado E, Castillo-Mayén R, Rubio S, et al. (2019) A longitudinal study on perceived health in cardiovascular patients: The role of conscientiousness, subjective wellbeing and cardiac self-efficacy. PLoS ONE 14(10): e0223862. pmid:31622377