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Correction: Increasing prevalence of hypertension among HIV-positive and negative adults in Senegal, West Africa, 1994-2015

  • Noelle A. Benzekri,
  • Moussa Seydi,
  • Ibrahima N. Doye,
  • Macoumba Toure,
  • Marie Pierre Sy,
  • Nancy B. Kiviat,
  • Papa Salif Sow,
  • Geoffrey S. Gottlieb,
  • Stephen E. Hawes
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There is an error in Table 3. The p-vales in column 5 for HIV-positive participants should be listed as follows: 6+ children, p-value <0.01; No education, p-value 0.68; Smoking, p-value 0.10; Alcohol use, p-value 0.18.

Table 3. Simple regressions evaluating predictors of hypertension among A. HIV-positive and B. HIV-negative participants.


  1. 1. Benzekri NA, Seydi M, N. Doye I, Toure M, Sy MP, Kiviat NB, et al. (2018) Increasing prevalence of hypertension among HIV-positive and negative adults in Senegal, West Africa, 1994–2015. PLoS ONE 13(12): e0208635. pmid:30596667