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Correction: Enhancing radiosensitivity of melanoma cells through very high dose rate pulses released by a plasma focus device

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There are errors in the author affiliations. The affiliations should appear as shown here:

Francesca Buontempo1, Ester Orsini1, Isabella Zironi2,6,7, Lorenzo Isolan3,8, AlessandraCappellini4, Stefania Rapino5,7, Agostino Tartari3, Domiziano Mostacci3, Giorgio Cucchi3, Alberto Maria Martelli1, Marco Sumini3,6, Gastone Castellani2,6,7

1 University of Bologna, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, Bologna, Italy, 2 University of Bologna, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Bologna, Italy, 3 University of Bologna, Department of Industrial Engineering, Bologna, Italy, 4 University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Department of Human Social and Health Sciences, Cassino, Italy, 5 University of Bologna, Department of Chemistry “G. Ciamician”, Bologna, Italy, 6 National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), Bologna, Italy, 7 Interdepartmental Centre “L. Galvani” (CIG) for integrated studies of bioinformatics, biophysics and biocomplexity, Bologna, Italy, 8 European Institute of Oncology and Monzino Cardiac Center Foundation (IEO-CCM), Milano, Italy.

In the Funding section, the grant from the funder INFN ETHICS 2015 is incorrectly attributed to Dr. Giorgio Cucchi. The correct attribution is to Gastone Castellani. The publisher apologizes for the errors.


  1. 1. Buontempo F, Orsini E, Zironi I, Isolan L, Cappellini A, Rapino S, et al. (2018) Enhancing radiosensitivity of melanoma cells through very high dose rate pulses released by a plasma focus device. PLoS ONE 13(6): e0199312. pmid:29958291