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Correction: Implications of the Ebola virus disease outbreak in Guinea: Qualitative findings to inform future health and nutrition-related responses

  • Stephen R. Kodish,
  • Fabian Rohner,
  • Jean-Max Beauliere,
  • Mamady Daffe,
  • Mohamed Ag Ayoya,
  • James P. Wirth,
  • Ismael Ngnie-Teta
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There is an error in the XML that is causing the fifth author’s name to be indexed incorrectly. The name should be indexed as: Ayoya MA. The correct citation is: Kodish SR, Rohner F, Beauliere J-M, Daffe M, Ayoya MA, Wirth JP, et al. (2018) Implications of the Ebola virus disease outbreak in Guinea: Qualitative findings to inform future health and nutrition-related responses. PLoS ONE 13(8): e0202468.

In the Acknowledgments section, the final contributor’s name is spelled incorrectly. The correct name is: Meagan Harrison.


  1. 1. Kodish SR, Rohner F, Beauliere J-M, Daffe M, Ag Ayoya M, Wirth JP, et al. (2018) Implications of the Ebola virus disease outbreak in Guinea: Qualitative findings to inform future health and nutrition-related responses. PLoS ONE 13(8): e0202468. pmid:30138407