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Correction: Time to acquire and lose carriership of ESBL/pAmpC producing E. coli in humans in the Netherlands

  • Peter F. M. Teunis,
  • Eric G. Evers,
  • Paul D. Hengeveld,
  • Cindy M. Dierikx,
  • Cornelia C. H. Wielders,
  • Engeline van Duijkeren
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The fifth author’s name is incorrect. The correct name is: Cornelia C. H. Wielders. The correct citation is: Teunis PFM, Evers EG, Hengeveld PD, Dierikx CM, Wielders CCH, van Duijkeren E (2018) Time to acquire and lose carriership of ESBL/pAmpC producing E. coli in humans in the Netherlands. PLoS ONE 13(3): e0193834.


  1. 1. Teunis PFM, Evers EG, Hengeveld PD, Dierikx CM, Wielders CCCH, van Duijkeren E (2018) Time to acquire and lose carriership of ESBL/pAmpC producing E. coli in humans in the Netherlands. PLoS ONE 13(3): e0193834. pmid:29561861