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Correction: The learning curve of endoscopic total mastectomy in Taiwan: A multi-center study

  • Chin-Sheng Hung,
  • Sheng-Wei Chang,
  • Li-Min Liao,
  • Cheng-Chiao Huang,
  • Shih-Hsin Tu,
  • Shou-Tung Chen,
  • Dar-Ren Chen,
  • Shou-Jen Kuo,
  • Hung-Wen Lai,
  • Ting-Mao Chou,
  • Yao-Lung Kuo
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There is an error in Fig 4. The case number of CCH is 107, not 203. Please see the complete, correct Fig 4 here.

Fig 4. Learning group and mature group.

Total 203 patients received an endoscopic mastectomy and 134 unilateral total mastectomy patients were divided into learning group and mature group.


  1. 1. Hung C-S, Chang S-W, Liao L-M, Huang C-C, Tu S-H, Chen S-T, et al. (2017) The learning curve of endoscopic total mastectomy in Taiwan: A multi-center study. PLoS ONE 12(6): e0178251. pmid:28594922