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Correction: MHC-I and PirB Upregulation in the Central and Peripheral Nervous System Following Sciatic Nerve Injury

  • André Luis Bombeiro,
  • Rodolfo Thomé,
  • Sérgio Luiz Oliveira Nunes,
  • Bárbara Monteiro Moreira,
  • Liana Verinaud,
  • Alexandre Leite Rodrigues de Oliveira
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There is grant information missing from the Funding Disclosure. The statement should read: This work was supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). Grants were provided by the following Brazilian agencies: FAPESP (2011/08712-4, 2012/20456-6; 2014/06892-3), CAPES and CNPq (300553/2013-9).


  1. 1. Bombeiro AL, Thomé R, Oliveira Nunes SL, Monteiro Moreira B, Verinaud L, Oliveira ALRd (2016) MHC-I and PirB Upregulation in the Central and Peripheral Nervous System following Sciatic Nerve Injury. PLoS ONE 11(8): e0161463. pmid:27551751