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Correction: Using a Hazard Quotient to Evaluate Pesticide Residues Detected in Pollen Trapped from Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) in Connecticut

  • Kimberly A. Stoner,
  • Brian D. Eitzer
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In Table 1, there should be two lines of LD50 values for phosmet: one from Ecotox and one from Agritox. The contact LD50 for phosmet of 0.22 ug/bee and oral LD50 for phosmet of 0.37 ug/bee from Agritox were used for calculations in all succeeding tables. Please see the correct Table 1 and its caption here.

Table 1. Pesticides detected in pollen trapped by honey bee hives, with pesticide use and information on acute toxicity to adult worker honey bees.


  1. 1. Stoner KA, Eitzer BD (2013) Using a Hazard Quotient to Evaluate Pesticide Residues Detected in Pollen Trapped from Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) in Connecticut. PLoS ONE 8(10): e77550. pmid:24143241