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Correction: Patterns and Trends in Accidental Poisoning Deaths: Pennsylvania's Experience 1979-2014

  • Lauren C. Balmert,
  • Jeanine M. Buchanich,
  • Janice L. Pringle,
  • Karl E. Williams,
  • Donald S. Burke,
  • Gary M. Marsh
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The images for Figs 1 and 2 are incorrectly switched. The image that appears as Fig 1 should be Fig 2, and the image that appears as Fig 2 should be Fig 1. The figure captions appear in the correct order. Please see the corrected Fig 1 and Fig 2 here.

Fig 1. PA Accidental Poisoning Mortality Rate Per 100,000 Males by Age Group.

Fig 2. PA Accidental Poisoning Mortality Rate Per 100,000 Females by Age Group.


  1. 1. Balmert LC, Buchanich JM, Pringle JL, Williams KE, Burke DS, Marsh GM (2016) Patterns and Trends in Accidental Poisoning Deaths: Pennsylvania’s Experience 1979–2014. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0151655. pmid:26963396