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Correction: Autosomal and mtDNA Markers Affirm the Distinctiveness of Lions in West and Central Africa

  • Laura D. Bertola,
  • Laura Tensen,
  • Pim van Hooft,
  • Paula A. White,
  • Carlos A. Driscoll,
  • Philipp Henschel,
  • Anthony Caragiulo,
  • Isabela Dias-Freedman,
  • Etotépé A. Sogbohossou,
  • Pricelia N. Tumenta,
  • Tuqa H. Jirmo,
  • Geert R. de Snoo,
  • Hans H. de Iongh,
  • Klaas Vrieling
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In Table 1, the information in the “Source msat data” column is incorrect for the “Zambia” row. Please see the corrected Table 1 here.

Table 1. Overview of lion populations included in this study.


  1. 1. Bertola LD, Tensen L, van Hooft P, White PA, Driscoll CA, Henschel P, et al. (2015) Autosomal and mtDNA Markers Affirm the Distinctiveness of Lions in West and Central Africa. PLoS ONE 10(10): e0137975. pmid:26466139