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Correction: Selenium Supplementation in Fish: A Combined Chemical and Biomolecular Study to Understand Sel-Plex Assimilation and Impact on Selenoproteome Expression in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

  • Davide Pacitti,
  • Muhammad M. Lawan,
  • John Sweetman,
  • Samuel A. M. Martin,
  • Jörg Feldmann,
  • Christopher J. Secombes
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The unit used to indicate Selenium concentration appears incorrectly throughout the manuscript. The correct unit is mg Kg-1.

The values for Selenium concentrations provided as 0.5, 4, and 8 mg Kg-1 throughout the article are incorrect. The correct Selenium concentrations are 0.25, 2, and 4 mg Kg-1 respectively.


  1. 1. Pacitti D, Lawan MM, Sweetman J, Martin SAM, Feldmann J, Secombes CJ (2015) Selenium Supplementation in Fish: A Combined Chemical and Biomolecular Study to Understand Sel-Plex Assimilation and Impact on Selenoproteome Expression in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). PLoS ONE 10(5): e0127041. pmid:25978314