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Correction: Body Sodium Overload Modulates the Firing Rate and Fos Immunoreactivity of Serotonergic Cells of Dorsal Raphe Nucleus

  • Andrea Godino,
  • Soledad Pitra,
  • Hugo F. Carrer,
  • Laura Vivas
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There is an error in the author contributions, please note that the last sentence of the author contributions section should read: Technical assistance for electrophysiology experiments: HFC. Additionally, an error was introduced into the legend of Figure 3 during the preparation of this article for publication. The legend that represents the control responses is missing. The correct first sentence of the legend is: The recording sites are represented within plates 48 and 50 from Paxinos and Watson (1997) corresponding with −7.64 mm (A) and −8.00 mm (B) distance from bregma, specifying the excitatory (+), inhibitory (−), control (∎) and neutral (Ο) responses.