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Fig 1.

Maximum likelihood tree reconstruction of S. velencensis sp. n. based on a 730-bp ITS–rDNA alignment.

The numbers at the nodes represent the bootstrap support in percentage (>50). The analyses included Saprolegnia spp. sequences obtained from the NCBI GenBank. S. australis and S. ferax sequences labelled in bold represent samples we isolated previously, but sequenced in the present study. Achlya caroliniana was used as an outgroup.

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Fig 1 Expand

Fig 2.

Maximum likelihood tree reconstruction of S. velencensis sp. n. based on a 611-bp RPB2 gene alignment.

The numbers at the nodes represent the bootstrap support in percentage (>50). The analyses included Saprolegnia spp. sequences obtained from the GenBank. S. australis and S. ferax sequences were obtained from strains we collected previously, but sequenced in the present study (bold).

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Fig 2 Expand

Fig 3.

Morphological characteristics of S. velencensis sp.

n. A and A inset: Immature oogonia; B: Gemma chains; C: Zoosporangia with papilla; C inset: Mature zoosporangia; D: Secondary cysts; D inset: Zoospores. Scale bars: 20 μm (except for B: 50 μm). Native squash preparations.

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Fig 3 Expand

Fig 4.

Schematic line drawings of S. velencensis sp. n.

A: Immature oogonia; B: Secondary cysts; C–D: Zoosporangia; E: Intercalary gemma; F: Branched gemma; G: Segmented hypha. Scale bar: 20 μm.

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Fig 4 Expand

Table 1.

The measurements of the morphological structures of Saprolegnia velencensis sp. n. and other relevant Saprolegnia spp. (in μm).

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Table 1 Expand

Table 2.

Morphological observations in strains SAP241 (holotype) and SAP239 of S. velencensis sp. n. under different in vitro conditions.

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Table 2 Expand