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Fig 1.

Diagnosis of Plagiothecium curvifolium [4].

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Fig 1 Expand

Table 1.

Voucher information and accession numbers for the specimens included in the phylogenetic analyses.

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Table 1 Expand

Fig 2.

Phylogenetic tree of Plagiothecium taxa with Isopterygiopsis pulchella as the outgroup taxa based on concatenated nuclear (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2) and chloroplast (matK and rpl16) DNA markers (total 4127 bp).

The tree presents the position of Wolski morphotypes of Plagiothecium among the Plagiothecium group. Numbers on branches indicate posterior probabilities from BI analysis followed by bootstrap values from ML. Asterisk (*) indicates 1.00 (BI) and 100 (ML), while minus (-) indicates values below 0.9 (BI) and 90 (ML). The topology of the tree was based on ML analysis.

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Fig 2 Expand

Fig 3.

Specimen PC0132686 (A) lectotype of P. decursivifolium and diagnosis (B) of this name [58].

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Fig 3 Expand

Fig 4.

Diagnosis of P. denticulatum var. recurvum [60], modified.

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Fig 4 Expand

Fig 5.

Specimen JE04004201 form JE Herbarium, lectotype of P. denticulatum var. recurvum.

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Fig 5 Expand

Fig 6.

Specimen JE04004091 form JE Herbarium–lectotype of P. curvifolium.

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Fig 6 Expand

Fig 7.

Material from the original Karl Schliephacke collection, one of many syntypes of P. curvifolium (Herbarium HBG).

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Fig 7 Expand

Fig 8.

The turf of Plagiothecium curvifolium var. curvifolium with sporophytes (from the lectotype Plagiothecium curvifolium, K. Schliephacke, JE04004091), photo. G. J. Wolski, 11 September 2021.

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Fig 8 Expand

Fig 9.

The most important taxonomic features of Plagiothecium curvifolium var. curvifolium.

A–C—stem leaves (A—G. J. Wolski, Wolski 199, LOD 15010; B–C—from lectotype, K. Schliephacke, JE04004091); D—leaf apex (G. J. Wolski, Wolski 275, LOD 15008); E—cells from the middle part of the leaf (from lectotype, K. Schliephacke, JE04004091); F—decurrencies (from lectotype, K. Schliephacke, JE04004091), photo. G. J. Wolski, 11 September 2021.

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Fig 9 Expand

Fig 10.

The turf of Plagiothecium curvifolium var. recurvum with sporophytes (from the lectotype, Plagiothecium denticulatum var. recurvum, C. Warnstorf, JE04004201) photo. G. J. Wolski, 12 September 2021).

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Fig 10 Expand

Fig 11.

The most important taxonomic features of Plagiothecium curvifolium var. recurvum.

A–C—stem leaves (A-B—from the lectotype, C. Warnstorf, JE04004201; C—G. J. Wolski, Wolski 145 LOD 15013); D—leaf apex (G. J. Wolski, Wolski 358 LOD 15011); E—cells from the middle part of the leaf (from lectotype, C. Warnstorf, JE04004201); F—decurrencies (G. J. Wolski, Wolski 145 LOD 15013), photo. G. J. Wolski, 12 September 2021.

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Fig 11 Expand

Fig 12.

The turf of Plagiothecium decursivifolium (from lectotype, PC0132686), photo. G. J. Wolski, 19 November 2021.

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Fig 12 Expand

Fig 13.

The most important taxonomic features of Plagiothecium decursivifolium.

A–C—stem leaves (A—J. T. Wynns 1939, CP0010621, B–C—from lectotype, P. Culmann, C-M-9120); D—leaf apex; E—cells from the middle part of the leaf; F—decurrencies (D–F from lectotype P. Culmann, C-M-9120), photo. G. J. Wolski, 19 November 2021.

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Fig 13 Expand

Fig 14.

The turf of Plagiothecium imbricatum (from holotype Wolski 424, LOD 15015), photo. G. J. Wolski, 14 September 2021.

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Fig 14 Expand

Fig 15.

The most important taxonomic features of Plagiothecium imbricatum.

A–C—asymmetric stem leaves; D—cells from the middle part of the asymmetric leaf; E—decurrencies of asymmetric leaves; F–H—symmetric stem leaves; I—cells from the middle part of the symmetric leaf; J—decurrencies of symmetric leaves (A–J from holotype Wolski 424, LOD 15015), photo. G. J. Wolski, 14 September 2021.

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Fig 15 Expand