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Fig 1.

Parthenogenetic morphs of Adelges laricis exules on Larix decidua.

(A) ‘Crawler’– 1st instar nymph after hatching. The arrow points to the crawler. (B) ‘Wooly’ nymphs and females. (C-D) Wax-covered ‘spheres’ of accumulated honeydew. The ‘sphere’ is covered with wax and it often adheres to the insect and the egg clusters. Olympus DP-Soft binocular (10 x 6.3), Sony camera − Exwave HAD (1600 x 1200).

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Fig 1 Expand

Table 1.

Characteristics and suggested meaning of EPG-recorded waveforms generated by Adelges laricis during probing on Larix decidua.

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Table 1 Expand

Fig 2.

Pathway phase ‘AC’ waveforms generated by Adelges laricis during EPG-recorded probing on Larix decidua.

(A) Compressed view of AC waveforms; arrows show the transition points; 100 s trace 2.5V resolution. (B) Non-probing and the transition to waveform AC1(arrow); 60 s trace, 2.5V resolution. (C) Waveform AC2; arrows indicate the beginning and the end of ‘short Apd1’ series; 100 s trace, 2.5V resolution. (D) ‘Short’ potential drops Apd1 –detail; 30 s trace, 2.5V resolution. (E) ‘Standard aphid-like’ potential drop Apd2; phases of Apd2 − I, II, III; sub-phases of Apd2 − II-1, II-2, II-3; 30 s trace, 2.5V resolution. (F) Waveform AC3, 100 s trace, 2.5V resolution.

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Fig 2 Expand

Fig 3.

Assessment of the R and emf components contribution to each waveform by plant voltage adjustments, positive (+), zero (0) and negative (−).

Adjustments of the plant voltage during recording. (A) Waveform AC1; 30 s traces, resolution 2.5V. (B) Waveform AC2; 60 s traces, resolution 2.5V. (C) Waveform AE1; 60 s traces, resolution 1V. (D) Waveform AE2; 60 s traces, resolution 1V. (E) Waveform AE3; 10 s traces, resolution 1V. (F) Waveform AE3; 30 s traces, resolution 1V. (G) Waveform AG; 30 s traces, resolution 1V.

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Fig 3 Expand

Table 2.

Frequency and duration of individual EPG-recorded waveforms generated by Adelges laricis during probing on Larix decidua.

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Table 2 Expand

Table 3.

Potential drops during AC phase stylet activities of Adelges laricis on Larix decidua.

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Table 3 Expand

Fig 4.

Phloem phase ‘AE’ waveforms generated by Adelges laricis during EPG-recorded probing on Larix decidua.

(A) Transitions from AC to AE1, then AE1 to AE2 and AE2 to AE3; arrows show the transition points; 60 s trace, 2.5V resolution. (B) Compressed view of AE waveforms; arrows show the transition points; 30 s trace, 2.5V resolution. (C) Waveform AE1; 30 s trace, 1V resolution. (D) Waveform AE2; 10 s trace, 2.5V resolution. (E) and (F) Different representations of waveform AE2; 30 s traces, 1V resolution. (G) Waveform AE3; 30 s trace, 1V resolution.

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Fig 4 Expand

Fig 5.

Xylem phase ‘AG’ waveforms generated by Adelges laricis during EPG-recorded probing on Larix decidua.

(A) Transition from AC1 to AG; arrow shows the transition point; 60 s trace, 5V resolution. (B) Waveform AG; 30 s trace, 2.5V resolution. (C) Waveform AG; 10 s trace, 2.5V resolution. (D) Different representations of waveform AG; arrow shows the transition point; 30 s traces, 2.5V resolution. (E)–(H) Different representations of waveform AG; 30 s traces, 1V resolution.

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Fig 5 Expand

Fig 6.

Waveform patterns AC-d generated by Adelges laricis on sucrose diets.

(A) Equipment for EPG registration on sucrose diets, 1 –aphid electrode, 2 –diet chamber, 3 –diet electrode; (B) the mobile crawler of A. laricis (C)–(D) representative traces of waveform AC-d; 30 s traces, resolution 1V.

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Fig 6 Expand

Fig 7.

Scanning electron microscope images showing exulis morph of Adelges laricis on Larix decidua needles.

(A) Crawler at the larch needle, lateral view; arrow points at the mouthparts’ stylets. (B) Crawler at the larch needle, ventral view; arrows point at the rostrum and the stylets. (C) Wingless sessile female with most of the wax removed on the larch needle, dorsal view; arrow points at the stylets. (D) Stylets of the female inserted near the stomata of larch needle; arrow points at the stylets. (E) Stylets of the female inserted near a stoma and between epidermal cells of the larch needle; asterisk indicates the stoma. (F) Ventral view at rostrum and stylets of the female; arrow points at the stylets. (G)–(H) Stylets inserted between epidermal cells of the larch needle; different resolutions.

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Fig 7 Expand

Fig 8.

Sequential changes in the probing behavior of Adelges laricis on Larix decidua.

The graphs represent the proportion of time devoted to a given activity at the end of each hour of the 8-hour continuous EPG monitoring. (A) Image based on all replications (n = 84). (B) Image based on recordings that started with either any of AC or AG waveform patterns (n = 24). (C) Image based on recordings that started with any of AE waveform patterns (n = 57). Anp–non-probing. AC1, AC2, AC3 –variants of pathway phase AC. AE1, AE2, AE3 –variants of phloem phase AE. AG–xylem phase.

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Fig 8 Expand

Fig 9.

Proportion (%) of various non-probing and probing activities during the 8 h EPG-recordings of Adelges laricis on Larix decidua.

Anp–non-probing. AC1, AC2, AC3 –variants of pathway phase AC. AE1, AE2, AE3 –variants of phloem phase AE. AG–xylem phase.

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Fig 9 Expand

Fig 10.

Kinetogram of behavior during stylet penetration of Adelges laricis on Larix decidua.

The values near the arrowheads indicate the occurrence (%) of transitions from one waveform to the next that occurred in all (n = 84) EPG recordings. Anp–non-probing (black labels). AC1, AC2, AC3 –variants of pathway phase AC (green labels). AE1, AE2, AE3 –variants of phloem phase AE (blue labels). AG–xylem phase (purple label).

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Fig 10 Expand