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Table 1.

Vouchers included for DNA extraction, amplification, and sequencing.

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Table 1 Expand

Table 2.

Primers and annealing temperatures used in amplification of molecular markers.

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Table 2 Expand

Table 3.

Nucleotide substitution models by gene and codon position.

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Table 3 Expand

Fig 1.

Anterior portion of mesethmoid in ventral view.

A. Rineloricaria cadeae, MCP 25920; B. Harttia guianensis, MHNG 2643.033; C. Farlowella henriquei, MCP 41992.Scale bar 1 mm.

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Fig 1 Expand

Fig 2.

Mesethmoid in lateral view.

A. Sturisomatichthys festivus, CAS 168512. Abbreviations: md = mesethmoid disk; mpr = mesethmoid process. Scale bar 1 mm.

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Fig 2 Expand

Fig 3.

Neurocranium in dorsal view.

A. Harttiella crassicauda, AUM 50387; B. Rineloricaria lanceolata, MCP 36454; C. Aposturisoma myriodon, MHNG 2710.035. Abbreviations: cpt = compound pterotic; f = frontal; n = nasal; orb = orbit; so = supraoccipital; sph = sphenotic. Arrows: see text. Scale bar 5 mm.

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Fig 3 Expand

Fig 4.

Neurocranium in ventral view.

A. Harttia guianensis, MHNG 2643.033; B. Pterosturisoma microps, MZUSP 79909; C. Sturisomatichthys panamensis, USNM 316293. Abbreviations: bo = basioccipital; cpt = compound pterotic; ex = exoccipital; io = infraorbital; le = lateral ethmoid; le-pr = lateral ethmoid process; me = mesethmoid; os = orbitosphenoid; pr = prootic; pr-pr = prootic process; ps = parasphenoid; tpcc = transverse process of complex centrum; vo = vomer. Scale bar 5 mm.

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Fig 4 Expand

Fig 5.

Posterior portion of cranium in ventral view.

Sturisomatichthys festivus, CAS 168512. Abbreviations: bo = basioccipital; c6 = vertebral centrum 6; cc = complex centrum; cpt = compound pterotic; ex = exoccipital; pr = prootic; ps = parasphenoid; tpcc = transverse process of complex centrum; vpcc = ventralprocess of complex centrum. Arrows: see text. Scale bar 5 mm.

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Fig 5 Expand

Fig 6.

Canal-bearing cheek plate in ventral view, left side.

A. Farlowella rugosa, AUM 48805; B. Cteniloricaria platystoma, AUM 48174; C. Harttia guianensis, MHNG 2643.033; D. Harttiella crassicauda, AUM 50387. Anterior towards top. Abbreviations: mpr = medial process. Scale bar 1 mm.

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Fig 6 Expand

Fig 7.

Autopalatine and maxilla, dorsal view.

A. Sturisomatichthys reinae, NRM 15155; B. Farlowella mariaelenae, USNM 349392; C. Harttia gracilis, MZUSP 99678. Abbreviations: ap = autopalatine; spl = autopalatine splint; mx = maxilla; ap-pp = posterior process of autopalatine. Scale bar 2 mm.

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Fig 7 Expand

Fig 8.

Suspensorium and mandible in lateral view.

A. Sturisoma robustum, MCP 15812; B. Sturisomatichthys reinae, NRM 15155; C. Harttiella crassicauda, AUM 50837; D. Harttia gracilis, MZUSP 99678; E. Pterosturisoma microps, MZUSP 79909; F. Farlowella mariaelenae, USNM 349392. Abbreviations: aa = anguloarticular; d = dentary; hyo = hyomandibula; lap = levator arcus palatine crest; mpt = metapterygoid; pop = preopercle; q = quadrate; sc = symphiseal cartilage. Arrows: see trext. Scale bar 2 mm.

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Fig 8 Expand

Fig 9.

Hyoid and branchial arches in ventral view.

A. Harttiella crassicauda, AUM 50837; B. Harttia gracilis, MZUSP 99678; C. Sturisomatichthys reinae, NRM 15155; D. Farlowella mariaelenae, USNM 349392. Abbreviations: ahy = anterohyal; bb = basibranchial; cb = ceratobranchial; cbf = ceratobranchial flange; eb = epibranchial; hb = hypobranchial; hhy = hypohyal; ifb = infrapharyngobranchial; ltp = lower pharyngeal tooth plate; phy = posterohyal; utp = upper pharyngeal tooth plate. Arrow: see text. Scale bar 2 mm.

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Fig 9 Expand

Fig 10.

Hyoid arch in ventral view.

Sturisomatichthys reinae, NRM 15155. Abbreviations: ahy = anterohyal; hhy = hypohyal; phy = posterohyal; uhy = urohyal. Scale bar 2 mm.

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Fig 10 Expand

Fig 11.

Basibranchials in dorsal view.

A. Farlowella henriquei, MCP 41992; B. Harttia guianensis, MHNG 2643.033; C. Sturisomatichthys panamensis, USNM 316293; D. Sturisoma robustum, MCP 15812. Abbreviations: bb = basibranchial; hb = hypobranchial. Scale bar 2 mm.

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Fig 11 Expand

Fig 12.

Lower pharyngeal tooth plate in ventral view.

A. Sturisomatichthys panamensis, USNM 316293; B. Sturisoma robustum, MCP 15812. Scale bar 1 mm.

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Fig 12 Expand

Fig 13.

Epibranchials in dorsal view.

A. Lamontichthys parakana, MNRJ 13300; B. Sturisomatichthys panamensis, USNM 316293; C. Harttia guianensis, MHNG 2643.033; D. Harttiella crassicauda, AUM 50387. Abbreviations: eb = anterior process epibranchial 1; ep2-pr = epibranchial 2 process; ep3-pr = epibranchial 3 process; ep4-pr = epibranchial 4 process; ppr-ep1 = posterior process epibranchial 1; ep4 = epibranchial 4. Arrows: see text. Scale bar 1 mm.

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Fig 13 Expand

Fig 14.

Upper pharyngeal tooth plate in ventral view.

A. Sturisomatichthys panamensis, USNM 316293; B. Sturisoma robustum, MCP 15812. Right side. Scale bar 1 mm.

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Fig 14 Expand

Fig 15.

Anterior caudal vertebrae in lateral view.

Farlowella venezuelensis, USNM 163179. Abbreviations: c = vertebral centrum; hs = hemal spine; ns = neural spine; pns = paraneural spines. Scale bar 2 mm.

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Fig 15 Expand

Fig 16.

Pectoral girdle in ventral view.

A. Rineloricaria quadrensis, MCP 11039; B. Sturisomatichthys tamanae, CAS 67414; C. Sturisoma robustum, MCP 15812; D. Farlowella mariaelenae, USNM 349392; E. Harttiella longicauda, MHNG 2723.042; F. Harttia loricariformis, MCP 11707. Abbreviations: ab = arrector bridge; arf = arrector fossa; bl = bony lamina; cl = cleithrum; co = coracoid; pfs = pectoral-fin spine. Scale bar 2 mm.

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Fig 16 Expand

Fig 17.

Pelvic girdle in ventral view.

A. Harttia gracilis, MZUSP 99678; B. Sturisoma nigrirostrum, ANSP 199936; C. Sturisomatichthys reinae, NRM 15155; D. Harttiella crassicauda, AUM 50837. Abbreviations: alp = anterolateral process of basipterygium; amp = anteromesial process of basipterygium; bpt = basipterygium; cp = cartilage plug; dea = dorsal expansion of anterolateral process; ltp = lateropterygium; ppb = posterior process of basipterygium; pr1 = first pelvic-fin ray; vea = ventral expansion of anterolateral process. Scale bar 5 mm.

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Fig 17 Expand

Fig 18.

Head in ventral view, upper lip showing absence/presence of dermal plates.

A. Cteniloricaria platystoma, AUM 48174; B. Farlowella acus, ANSP 130038. Scale bar 2 mm.

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Fig 18 Expand

Fig 19.

Predorsal region in dorsal view.

A. Lamontichthys avacanoeiro, MNRJ 18553; B. Sturisomatichthys reinae, NRM 15155; C. Farlowella schreitmuelleri, FMNH 106985. Abbreviations: cbo = connecting bone; dfs = dorsal-fin spinelet; ds = dorsal series of plates; mds = middorsal series of plates; np = nuchal plate; pdp = predorsal plate; soc = parieto-supraoccipital. Scale bar 5 mm.

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Fig 19 Expand

Fig 20.

Abdominal plates arrangement.

A. Harttiella crassicauda, AUM 50392; B. Harttia punctata, MCP 45591; C. Harttia rhombocephala, MCP 16007; D. Cteniloricaria platystoma, AUM 48714; E. Farlowella acus, ANSP 130038; F. Sturisoma graffini, USNM 319351; G. Sturisomatichthys varii, FMNH 58333. Abbreviations: lapl = lateral abdominal plates; capl = central abdominal plates. Scale bar 5 mm.

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Fig 20 Expand

Fig 21.

Tree obtained from Bayesian Inference analysis.

Posterior Probabilities values at nodes. Type-species names in bold.

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Fig 21 Expand