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Fig 1.

Sampling stations visited during the expedition.

KG = King George/25 de Mayo Island (n = 5), DEC = Deception Island (n = 3), WAP = Western Antarctic Peninsula (n = 12).

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Fig 1 Expand

Table 1.

Metadata for deep-sea camera deployments.

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Table 1 Expand

Fig 2.

Community metrics from dee-sea camera deployments along the Western Antarctic Peninsula and associated islands.

A. Species richness, B. MaxN–sum of the maximum number of individuals per deployment, excluding Amphipoda, C. Shannon-Weaver Diversity, and D. Pielou’s Evenness also calculated excluding Amphipoda.

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Fig 2 Expand

Table 2.

Community metrics from deep-sea camera deployments.

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Table 2 Expand

Table 3.

Relationships between community metrics and deployment depth using least-squares linear regression analyses.

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Table 3 Expand

Fig 3.

Principal coordinates analysis of community composition based on MaxN by deployment.

Data were ln(x+1)-transformed prior to analyses. Vectors are the relative contribution and direction of influence of taxa to the observed variation among sites (Pearson product-moment correlations ≥ 0.5).

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Fig 3 Expand

Table 4.

Comparison of community composition based on MaxN among locations using a Permutation-Based Multivariate Analysis of Variance (PERMANOVA).

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Table 4 Expand

Fig 4.

Common and important taxa observed on dropcam deployments.

a. Euphausiidae (likely Euphausia superba) and Amphipoda, b. Ophionotus victoriae, c. (center) Glabraster antarctica, d. Peniagone sp.(inset: active swimming), e. Rossella sp. and Solanometra antarctica, f. Notolepis coatsorum, g. (left) Psychroteuthis glacialis, (right) Pleuragramma antarctica, h. Numerous Pleuragramma antarctica.

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Fig 4 Expand

Table 5.

Top 15 taxa overall among all 20 deployment locations.

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Table 5 Expand

Table 6.

Similarity of Percentages (SIMPER) for taxa most responsible for the percent dissimilarities between locations using Bray-Curtis similarity analysis of hierarchical agglomerative group average clustering.

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Table 6 Expand

Fig 5.

Deep-sea camera image from Wilhelmina Bay, WAP at 301 m.

VME—Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem taxa. 1. Actiniaria sp. (VME), 2. Primnoidea (VME), 3. Demospongiae (VME), 4. Pagetopsis macropterus, 5. Gorgonocephalus chilensis (VME), 6. Holothuriidae, 7. Pyura bouvetensis (VME).

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Fig 5 Expand