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Table 1.

Morphometric and meristic data of holotype and 20 paratypes of Parotocinclus nandae.

Measurement values given as percent of standard length or head length. SD = standard deviation, H = holotype.

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Table 1 Expand

Fig 1.

Parotocinclus nandae, holotype.

MCP 54184, 39.8 mm SL, male; Brazil, Bahia, Ibicoara, upper Rio Paraguaçu, under bridge on highway BA-142, between Ibicoara and Barra da Estiva, 13°26'10.32"S, 41°20'19.14"W.

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Fig 1 Expand

Fig 2.

Schematic drawing of the ventral side of head and pectoral girdle, (A) Parotocinclus nandae, UNICTIO 2967, 43.7 mm SL, showing the lower lip elongated posteriorly reaching to the pectoral girdle and the canal cheek plate reduced. (B) P. maculicauda, MCP 31591, 50.4 mm SL, with the lower lip not elongated and the canal plate expanded mesially and posteriorly.

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Fig 2 Expand

Fig 3.

Dermal plates of the lateral trunk and serial plate homology of Parotocinclus.

(A) Parotocinclus nandae, paratype, MCP 54185, 41.3 mm SL; (B) P. adamanteus, UFBA 51.3 mm SL; (C) P. spilosoma, MCP 39165, 37.5 mm SL; (D) P. jimi, UFBA 3869, 36.6 mm SL; Scale bar 1 cm.

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Fig 3 Expand

Fig 4.

Parotocinclus nandae, thick skin covering dorsal surface of the pelvic-fin at interradial membranes.

MCP 54185, paratypes, Brazil, Bahia, Ibicoara, upper Rio Paraguaçu basin: (Left) female, 41.5 mm SL; (Right) male, 40.9 mm SL.

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Fig 4 Expand

Fig 5.

Parotocinclus nandae, variation in color pattern in alcohol.

MCP 54185, paratypes, Brazil, Bahia, Ibicoara, upper Rio Paraguaçu basin: (A) male, 38.1 mm SL; (B) female, 37.8 mm SL; (C) female, 39.5 mm SL, (D) female, 41.2 mm SL; (E) female 41.2 mm SL; (F) female, 41.7 mm SL; and (G) male, 42.0 mm SL.

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Fig 5 Expand

Fig 6.

Color in life of Parotocinclus nandae in left lateral view.

UFBA 6976, paratype, 40.7 mm SL, Brazil, Bahia, Ibicoara, upper Rio Paraguaçu basin, 13°26'10.32"S, 41°20'19.14"W.

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Fig 6 Expand

Fig 7.

Northeastern Mata Atlântica ecoregion of Brazil, highlighting the type localities of Parotocinclus species in this region.

Red stars represent the localities where Parotocinclus nandae occurs. T = type-locality.

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Fig 7 Expand

Fig 8.

Type locality of Parotocinclus nandae.

Brazil, Bahia State, Ibicoara, upper Rio Paraguaçu.

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Fig 8 Expand