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Fig 1.

Phylogenetic hypothesis for Bruggmanniella Tavares, 1909.

Result from parsimony analysis of the morphological characters under implied weight (k = 6); Relative Bremer support values (in percentage) on branches.

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Fig 1 Expand

Fig 2.

Phylogenetic hypothesis for Bruggmanniella Tavares, 1909 with their host families, galls and area of occurrence.

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Fig 2 Expand

Fig 3.

Bruggmanniella miconia sp. nov., male and female.

(A) Male head (frontal view) (B) 5th female flagellomere. (C) 5th male flagellomere. (D) 9–12th female flagellomeres. (E) Male tarsal claw and empodium. (F) Female tarsal claw and empodium. (G) Female wing.

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Fig 3 Expand

Fig 4.

Bruggmanniella miconia sp. nov.

(A) Male terminalia (dorsal view). (B) Ovipositor (lateral view). (C) Ovipositor (dorsal view).

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Fig 4 Expand

Fig 5.

Bruggmanniella miconia sp. nov., pupa and larva.

(A) Pupal head (ventral view). (B) 6–8th pupal abdominal segments (dorsal view). (C) Larval prothoracic spatula and lateral papillae (ventral view). (D) Larval terminal segment (dorsal view).

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Fig 5 Expand

Fig 6.

Host plant.

(A) Branch of Miconia cf. cinnamomifolia. (B) Galls of Bruggmanniella miconia sp. nov. (C) Gall in detail showing the small hole positioned at the apex for the emergence of the adult. Scale bar: 1 mm.

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Fig 6 Expand

Fig 7.

Larval prothoracic spatula.

(A) Bruggmanniella braziliensis Tavares. (B) Bruggmanniella oblita Tavares. (C) Bruggmanniella maytenuse (Maia and Couri). (D) Bruggmanniella perseae Gagné. (E) Bruggmanniella doliocarpi Maia. (F) Bruggmanniella miconia sp. nov. Illustrations modified from Möhn [39], Gagné et al. [41] and Maia et al. [42].

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Fig 7 Expand

Fig 8.

Pupal head and abdominal segments.

(A) Bruggmanniella bumeliae (Felt). (B) Bruggmanniella ingae Urso-Guimarães and Amorim. (C) Bruggmanniella byrsonimae (Maia and Couri). (D) Bruggmanniella duguetiae Urso-Guimarães and Amorim. (E) Bruggmanniella perseae Gagné. (F) Bruggmanniella byrsonimae (Maia and Couri). (G) Bruggmanniella ingae Urso-Guimarães and Amorim. Illustrations modified from Urso-Guimarães and Amorim [24], Gagné [11], Gagné et al. [41], and Maia et al. [42].

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Fig 8 Expand

Fig 9.

Terminalia and male tarsal claws.

(A) Bruggmanniella braziliensis Tavares. (B) Bruggmanniella doliocarpi Maia. (C) Bruggmanniella miconia sp. nov. (D) Bruggmanniella ingae Urso-Guimarães and Amorim. (E) Bruggmanniella doliocarpi Maia. (F) Bruggmanniella bumeliae (Felt). (G) Bruggmanniella byrsonimae (Maia and Couri). Illustrations modified from Urso-Guimarães and Amorim [24], Möhn [39] and Maia et al. [42].

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Fig 9 Expand