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Fig 1.

Illustrations of the holotypes of D. armatus and O. hastiger.

XI–XXII, holotype of D. armatus (NHMUK OR46013) from [12] labelled the same as the plates therein, XXIII, XXIV, holotype of O. hastiger from [31] labelled the same as the plates therein. XI, posterior cervical neural spine, XII, XIII, dorsal vertebrae, XIV, XV, anterior caudal vertebrae, XVI, mid caudal vertebra, XVII, humerus, radius and ulna, XVIII, fourth left metacarpal, XIX, ilio–sacral block, femur, left ischium, and various dorsal and caudal vertebrae, XX, right pubis and ischium, XXI, spine and right tibia, XXII, spine and section of sacral vertebra. See Owen [12,31] for further details. All skeletal elements to same scale according to [12,31], Scale bar equal to 1m.

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Fig 1 Expand

Fig 2.

Holotype of Miragaia longicollum.

A, Holotype of Miragaia longicollum (ML 433) and pelvic bones of referred juvenile specimen (ML 433–A). B, Miragaia material in the Museu da Lourinhã: Full body replica (foreground), holotype, juvenile specimen and isolated thagomizer spines (background, spread on the floor), replica of most of the holotype material as found in the field (background, mounted on the wall) and fossilized tracks (under full body replica).

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Fig 2 Expand

Fig 3.

Skeletal elements found of Dacentrurus armatus NHMUK OR46013, and Miragaia longicollum ML 433 and MG 4863.

A, NHMUK OR46013 (modified reprint from: under a CC BY 4.0 license, with permission from Tracy L. Ford, original copyright 201), B, ML 433 (illustration from [22]), C, MG 4863 (preliminary reconstruction adapted from illustrations by Simão Mateus, Oliver Demuth and from [22]).

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Fig 3 Expand

Fig 4.

Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, skeleton of MG 4863 laid out in preliminary articulation before preparation (September 2015), B, the same laid out in semi–articulation after preparation (May 2017; unidentified skeletal elements are on the boxes on the right; caliper is 20 cm long, but the photograph should not be used for scale purposes due to distortion of panoramic photography).

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Fig 4 Expand

Table 1.

List of fossilized skeletal material of MG 4863 in the LNEG collection.

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Table 1 Expand

Fig 5.

Geological context of dacentrurines in Portugal and locality of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, Fossil sites of published and described occurrences of dacentrurine stegosaur skeletal remains in the Lusitanian Basin (including the presumed location of the Atouguia da Baleia specimen studied herein). Occurrences are marked in red with respective label of location (Murteiras, Pedras Muitas, São Bernardino, Areia Branca, Atalaia, Casal da Pedreira and Porto Dinheiro from [35]; Vale de Pombas from [43]; Miragaia from [22]; Moçafaneira from [41]). Simplified geological map of the central west coast of Portugal adapted from [73]. B, Detail of Geologic Map of Portugal at scale 1:50 000, sheet 26–C (Peniche) [72] including Atouguia da Baleia and the likely provenance of MG 4863 (circled in red), label simplified and adapted sensu [74]. C, Lithostratigraphy of the Lourinhã Formation from [74].

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Fig 5 Expand

Fig 6.

Dentary of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A–F, photographs, G–L, screenshots of 3D model in A, G, dorsal (or dorsolateral), B, H, medial (or dorsomedial), C, I, anterior, D, J, lateral (or ventrolateral), E, K, posterior, and F, L, ventral (or ventromedial) view. For, foramen, pro, process, ri, ridge, syn, symphysis. Scale bar equal to 5 cm. G–L, published under a CC BY license, with permission from Marco Marzola, original copyright 2017.

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Fig 6 Expand

Fig 7.

Quadrate of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, anterior, C, lateral, D, posterior, E, medial, and F, ventral view. Af, articular facet, fos, fossa, qjs, scar of the quadratojugal. Scale bar equal to 5 cm.

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Fig 7 Expand

Table 2.

Measurements of vertebral elements of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

Cd, caudal vertebrae; Cv, cervical vertebrae; D, dorsal vertebrae. Values represent the maximum measurement. (), lower than real measurement (mostly due to broken ends). *, estimated measurement. Values in mm.

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Table 2 Expand

Fig 8.

Cervical vertebrae two (axis) and three of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863 (photographs).

A, right dorsolateral, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, and E, ventral view. Cv2, axis, Cv3, cervical vertebra three. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 8 Expand

Fig 9.

Cervical vertebrae two (axis) and three of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863 (screenshots of 3D model).

A, right dorsolateral, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, and E, ventral view. Amr, assessory medial ridges of spinopostzygapophyseal laminae, dia, diapophysis, gr, groove, ns, neural spine, od, odontoid process, para, parapophysis, poz, postzygapophysis, pro, process, spozl, spinopostzygapophyseal lamina, tub, tuberosities. Scale bar equal to 10 cm. Published under a CC BY license, with permission from Marco Marzola, original copyright 2017.

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Fig 9 Expand

Fig 10.

Cervical fragments of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, MG 4863–107, B, MG 4863–110, C, MG 4863–108, D, MG 4863–104, E, MG 4863–105, F, MG 4863–106, A–F in dorsal view, anterior is upwards. Scale bar equal to 5 cm.

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Fig 10 Expand

Fig 11.

Cervical vertebrae four and five of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863 (photographs).

A, dorsal, B, left lateral, C, posterior, D, right lateral, and E, ventral view. Cv4, cervical vertebra four, Cv5, cervical vertebrae five. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 11 Expand

Fig 12.

Cervical vertebrae four and five of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863 (screenshots of 3D model).

A, dorsal, B, left lateral, C, posterior, D, right lateral, and E, ventral view. Ns, neural spine, para, parapophysis, poz, postzygapophysis, prz, prezygapophysis, spozl, spinopostzygapophyseal lamina, su, suture, tp, transverse process, tub, tuberosities. Scale bar equal to 10 cm. Published under a CC BY license, with permission from Marco Marzola, original copyright 2017.

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Fig 12 Expand

Fig 13.

Cervical vertebra seven of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Amr, assessory medial ridges of spinopostzygapophyseal laminae, can, canal, dia, diapophysis, nc, neural canal, ns, neural spine, para, parapophysis, poz, postzygapophysis, spozl, spinopostzygapophyseal lamina, tub, tuberosities. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 13 Expand

Fig 14.

Cervical vertebra nine of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863 (photographs).

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 14 Expand

Fig 15.

Cervical vertebra nine of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863 (screenshots of 3D model).

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Amr, assessory medial ridges of spinopostzygapophyseal laminae, gr, groove, nc, neural canal, ns, neural spine, para, parapophysis, pe, pedicel, poz, postzygapophysis, pro, process, prz, prezygapophysis, spozl, spinopostzygapophyseal lamina, tp, transverse process, tub, tuberosities. Scale bar equal to 10 cm. Published under a CC BY license, with permission from Marco Marzola, original copyright 2017.

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Fig 15 Expand

Fig 16.

Cervical vertebra 11 of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863 (photographs).

A, right dorsolateral, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, and E, ventral view. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 16 Expand

Fig 17.

Cervical vertebra 11 of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863 (screenshots of 3D model).

A, right dorsolateral, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, and E, ventral view. Amr, assessory medial ridges of spinopostzygapophyseal laminae, gr, groove, nc, neurocanal, ns, neural spine, no, notch, poz, postzygapophysis, pro, process, prz, prezygapophysis, spozl, spinopostzygapophyseal lamina, tp, transverse process. Scale bar equal to 10 cm. Published under a CC BY license, with permission from Marco Marzola, original copyright 2017.

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Fig 17 Expand

Fig 18.

Cervical vertebrae 12 and 13 of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863 (photographs).

A, dorsal, B, left lateral, C, posterior, D, right lateral, and E, ventral view. Cv12, cervical vertebra 12, Cv13, cervical vertebra 13. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 18 Expand

Fig 19.

Cervical vertebrae 12 and 13 of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863 (screenshots of 3D model).

A, dorsal, B, left lateral, C, posterior, D, right lateral, and E, ventral view. Ns, neural spine, tp, transverse process. Scale bar equal to 10 cm. Published under a CC BY license, with permission from Marco Marzola, original copyright 2017.

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Fig 19 Expand

Fig 20.

Cervical vertebra 14 of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Epp, epipophysis, fos, fossa, nc, neural canal, ns, neural spine, para, parapophysis, poz, postzygapophysis, pro, process, prz, prezygapophysis, spozl, spinopostzygapophyseal lamina, tp, transverse process, tub, tuberosities. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 20 Expand

Fig 21.

Cervical rib 17 of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, anterolateral, C, anteromedial, D, posteromedial, E, posterolateral, and F, ventral view. Ri, ridge. Scale bar equal to 5 cm.

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Fig 21 Expand

Fig 22.

Dorsal vertebra two of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Keel, keel, nc, neurocanal, ncs, neurocentral suture, para, parapophysis, ri, ridge. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 22 Expand

Fig 23.

Dorsal vertebra three and unidentified dorsal transverse process of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Tp, transverse process, prz, prezygapophysis. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 23 Expand

Fig 24.

Dorsal vertebrae five, six and dorsal rib of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Dia, diapophysis, nc, neurocanal, ns, neural spine, pcdl, posterior centrodiapophyseal lamina, rib, rib, tp, transverse process. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 24 Expand

Fig 25.

Dorsal vertebra seven and part of six of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. D6, postzygapophyses of dorsal vertebra six, Keel, keel, nc, neurocanal, ncs, neurocentral suture, para, parapophysis, pcdl, posterior centrodiapophyseal lamina, poz, postzygapophysis. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 25 Expand

Fig 26.

Caudal vertebra one of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A–F, photographs, G–L, screenshots of 3D model in A, G, dorsal, B, H, right lateral, C, I, anterior, D, J, left lateral, E, K, posterior, and F, L, ventral view. Carns, central anterior ridge of neural spine, cpaf, central process of articular facet, dpaf, dorsal process of articular facet, fos, fossa, nc, neural canal, ns, neural spine, pdccr, proximodorsal canal of caudal rib. Scale bar equal to 10 cm. G–L, published under a CC BY license, with permission from Marco Marzola, original copyright 2017.

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Fig 26 Expand

Fig 27.

Caudal vertebra two of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Carns, central anterior ridge of neural spine, cr, caudal rib, pdpcr, proximodorsal process of caudal rib, sprzl, spinoprezygapophyseal lamina. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 27 Expand

Fig 28.

Caudal fragments of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, MG 4863–98, B, MG 4863–101, C, MG 4863–103, D, MG4863–51 in A–C, anterior view, and D, left lateral. Pdpcr, proximodorsal process of caudal rib. Scale bar equal to 5 cm.

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Fig 28 Expand

Fig 29.

Caudal vertebra three of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Poz, postzygapophyses. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 29 Expand

Fig 30.

Caudal vertebra five of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Carns, central anterior ridge of neural spine, cpaf, central process of articular facet, craf, concentric ridges of articular facet, dppcr, distaloposterior process of caudal ribs, pe, pedicel, pdpcr, proximodorsal process of caudal rib, sprzl, spinoprezygapophyseal lamina. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 30 Expand

Fig 31.

Caudal vertebra seven of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Chf, chevron facets, cpaf, central process of articular facet, pe, pedicel. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 31 Expand

Fig 32.

Caudal vertebrae eight and nine of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Cd8, caudal vertebra eight, Cd9, caudal vertebra nine, carns, central anterior ridge of neural spine, chf, chevron, ri, ridge, sprzl, spinoprezygapophyseal lamina. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 32 Expand

Fig 33.

Caudal vertebrae 10 and 11 of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Cd10, caudal vertebra 10, Cd11, caudal vertebra 11, cr, caudal rib, ri, ridge. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 33 Expand

Fig 34.

Caudal vertebra 12 of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Ns, neural spine. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 34 Expand

Fig 35.

Caudal vertebrae 13, 14 and part of 15 of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Cd13, caudal vertebra 13, Cd14, caudal vertebra 14, Cd15, prezygapophyses of caudal vertebra 15, ns, neural spine, pro, process, tp, transverse process. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 35 Expand

Fig 36.

Caudal vertebra 15 and part of 16 of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Cd16, prezygapophyses of caudal vertebra 16, nc, neural canal, ns, neural spine, poz, postzygapophyses, tp, transverse process. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 36 Expand

Fig 37.

Caudal vertebra 16 of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Pro, process, tp, transverse process. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 37 Expand

Fig 38.

Caudal vertebra 18 of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Chf, chevron facets, craf, concentric ridges of articular facet, dpaf, dorsal process of articular facet, nc, neurocanal, pro, process, ri, ridge. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 38 Expand

Fig 39.

Caudal vertebra 19 of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Dpaf, dorsal process of articular facet, ri, ridge. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 39 Expand

Fig 40.

Caudal vertebra 23 of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Chf, chevron facets, cpaf, central process of articular facet, craf, concentric ridges of articular facet, dpaf, dorsal process of articular facet, tp, transverse process. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 40 Expand

Fig 41.

Caudal vertebra 24 of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Con, concavity, nc, neural canal. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 41 Expand

Fig 42.

Caudal vertebra 27 of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Poz, postzygapophyses. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 42 Expand

Fig 43.

Caudal vertebra 28 of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Cpaf, central process of articular facet, craf, concentric ridges of articular facet, dpaf, dorsal process of articular facet, tp, transverse process. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 43 Expand

Fig 44.

Caudal vertebra 30 of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Prz, prezygapophysis, tp, transverse process. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 44 Expand

Fig 45.

Caudal vertebra 32 of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Craf, concentric ridges of articular facet, dpaf, dorsal process of articular facet, fra, fracture, tp, transverse process. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 45 Expand

Fig 46.

Caudal vertebra 34 of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Poz, postzygapophyses, tp, transverse process. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 46 Expand

Fig 47.

Caudal vertebra 36 of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Chf, chevron facets, cpaf, central process of articular facet, cro, lateral centrum rim ossification, tp, transverse process. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 47 Expand

Fig 48.

Centrum of caudal vertebra 37 of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Cro, lateral centrum rim ossification. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 48 Expand

Fig 49.

Dorsal ribs of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

Only the most complete partial dorsal ribs are figured. A, N, MG 4863–47, B, O, MG 4863–75, C, P, MG 4863–78, D, Q, MG 4863–50, E, R, MG 4863–79, F, S, MG 4863–62, G, T, MG 4863–81, H, U, MG 4863–82, I, V, MG 4863–48, J, W, MG 4863–83, K, X, MG 4863–80, L, Y, MG 4863–49, M, Z, MG 4863–92, in A–G, anterior, H–M, lateral, N–T, posterior and U–Z, medial view. Ca, capitulum, ri, ridge, tu, tuberculum. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 49 Expand

Fig 50.

Chevron 17 of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Af, articular facet, fos, fossa, gr, groove, hc, haemal canal, ri, ridge. Scale bar equal to 5 cm.

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Fig 50 Expand

Fig 51.

Left ilium and sacral ribs of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, anterior, B, medial, C, ventral, D, lateral, E, dorsal, and F, posterior view. Ac, acetabulum, isp, ischial peduncle, poap, postacetabular process, prap, preacetabular process, pup, pubic peduncle, sap, supracetabular process, sr, sacral rib. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 51 Expand

Fig 52.

Possible pelvic fragments of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, MG 4863–54, B, MG4863–114, C, MG 4863–123, D, MG4863–125, E, MG 4863–127, F, MG4863–131 in lateral or medial view.

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Fig 52 Expand

Fig 53.

Left pubis of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, anterior, B, medial, C, ventral, D, lateral, E, dorsal, F, posterior view. Ap, acetabular process, on, obturator notch, pop, postpubis, pro, process, prp, prepubis, ri, ridge. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 53 Expand

Fig 54.

Left ischium of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, anteromedial, C, anterolateral, D, posterolateral, E, posteromedial, and F, ventral view. For, foramina. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 54 Expand

Fig 55.

Left femur of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, medial, C, anterior, D, lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Cnd, condyle, co, cord, ft, fourth trochanter, gr, groove, gt, greater trochanter, he, femur head. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 55 Expand

Fig 56.

Right femur of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, lateral, C, anterior, D, medial, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Co, cord, ft, fourth trochanter, gr, groove, gt, greater trochanter, he, femur head. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 56 Expand

Table 3.

Limb elements measurements.

*, estimated measurement. Values represent the maximum measurement. Values in mm.

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Table 3 Expand

Fig 57.

Left tibia, tarsus and distal fibula of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, medial, C, anterior, D, lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. As, astragalus, Ca, calcaneum, cc, cnemial crest, Fi, distal fibula, pro, process. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 57 Expand

Fig 58.

Right tibia and tarsus of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, lateral, C, anterior, D, medial, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 58 Expand

Fig 59.

Left proximal fibula of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, medial, C, anterior, D, lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Ri, ridge. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 59 Expand

Fig 60.

Right fibula of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, lateral, C, anterior, D, medial, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Ri, ridge. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 60 Expand

Fig 61.

Left metatarsal two of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, medial, C, anterior, D, lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 61 Expand

Fig 62.

Left metatarsal three of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, medial, C, anterior, D, lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. For, foramen, pro, process. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 62 Expand

Fig 63.

Left metatarsal four of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, medial, C, anterior, D, lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 63 Expand

Fig 64.

Right metatarsal three of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, lateral, C, anterior, D, medial, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. For, foramen, pro, process. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 64 Expand

Fig 65.

Left metacarpals two, three, and radiale of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

Mc2, second left metacarpal in A, dorsolateral, B, dorsomedial, C, anterior, D, ventrolateral, E, posterior, and F, ventromedial view. Mc3, third left metacarpal in A, dorsal, B, medial, C, anterior, D, lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Ra, left radiale in A, dorsal, B, anterior, C, medial, D, posterior, E, lateral, and F, ventral view. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 65 Expand

Fig 66.

Left metacarpal one of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, dorsal, B, medial, C, anterior, D, lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 66 Expand

Fig 67.

Dermal plates of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, C–F (lower part), G, MG 4863–87, B, C–F (upper part), H, MG 4863–46 in A, B, dorsal, C, anterior, D, ventral, E, posterior, F, lateral, and G, H, ventral view. Plates arranged how they probably fit together in C–F. Gr, groove, no, notch, ri, ridge. Scale bar equal to 5 cm.

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Fig 67 Expand

Fig 68.

Dermal spine of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863 (photographs).

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. Scale bar equal to 10 cm.

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Fig 68 Expand

Fig 69.

Dermal spine of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863 (screenshots of 3D model).

A, dorsal, B, right lateral, C, anterior, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. For, foramen, ri, ridge. Scale bar equal to 10 cm. Published under a CC BY license, with permission from Marco Marzola, original copyright 2017.

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Fig 69 Expand

Table 4.

Distribution of anatomical characters in MG 4863 with other stegosaurs.

*, Not confirmed but suggested by the morphology of the present bones. The description of some characters described previously may have been modified as to better express the features observed.

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Table 4 Expand

Fig 70.

Compared posteriormost caudal vertebrae of Miragaia longicollum MG 4863.

A, B, G, H, M, N, S, T, posteriormost caudal vertebrae of A. longispinus UW 20503 (modified from [33]), C, D, I, J, O, P, U, V, MG 4863 (mirrored for improved exhibition of the features discussed), E, F, K, L, Q, R, W, X, S. stenops NHMUK PV R36730 (from [19]), C, D, Cd30, E, F, Cd29, I–L, Cd32, Q, R, Cd35, O, P, Cd36, U–X, Cd37 in A, C, E, G, I, K, M, O, P, R, S, U, W, anterior view and B, D, F, H, J, L, N, P, R, T, V, X, right lateral view. The neural spines of E and F were cut for better visualization. Cro, lateral centrum rim ossification, tp, transverse process. Scale bars equal to 10 cm.

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