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Fig 1.

Healthy roots and clubroots of tumourous stem mustard caused by the infection of P. brassicae. (A) roots of a healthy plant (left) and a diseased plant (right) (B) resting spores (pots) in the root cells of cluboorts coloured with fast green (C) the cell of healthy roots.

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Fig 1 Expand

Fig 2.

Rarefaction curves (A), Shannon index (B), Simpson index (C) and observed OTUs richness (D) of the endophyte communities associated with the healthy roots and clubroots of tumourous stem mustard infected with P. brassicae. R, healthy roots. C, clubroots. ** differences at 0.01 level.

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Fig 2 Expand

Fig 3.

Relative sequence abundance (%) of the endophyte at phylum (a), genus (B) and Circos figure at the genus level (C) in the healthy roots and clubroots of tumourous stem mustard infected with P. brassicae. R, healthy roots. C, clubroots.

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Fig 3 Expand

Fig 4.

Hierarchical clustering analysis (A), UniFrac-weighted PCA (B), PCoA (C) and ANOSIM (D) of the endophyte communities associated with the healthy roots and clubroots of tumourous stem mustard infected with P. brassicae. R, healthy roots. C, clubroots.

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Fig 4 Expand

Fig 5.

LefSe analysis (A) The cladogram diagram shows the taxas with marked differences in the two endophyte communities. Red and green indicate different groups, with the classification of taxas at the level of phylum, class, order, family, and genus shown from inside to the outside. The red and green nodes in the phylogenetic tree represent taxas that play an important role in the two endophyte communities, respectively. Yellow nodes represent taxas with no significant difference. (B) Species with the significant difference that have an LDA score higher than the estimated value; the default score is 3.0. The length of the histogram represents the LDA score; i.e., the degree of influence of taxas with a significant difference between different groups. R, healthy roots. C, clubroots.

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Fig 5 Expand

Fig 6.

Co-occurrence network analysis of the two endophyte communities within the healthy roots and clubroots of tumourous stem mustard infected with P. brassicae (A) Healthy roots (B) Clubroots. Each node represents taxa affiliated at the OTU level, and the size of the nodes represents an average abundance of OTU. The lines represent the connections between each OTU. A red line indicates a positive correlation. whereas a green line indicates a negative correlation.

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Fig 6 Expand

Fig 7.

The endophytic fungi isolated from the clubroots (A) and healthy roots (B) by the culture-dependent method.

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Fig 7 Expand