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Table 1.

Species distribution and collection sites.

Country, location and host plant are reported for all the species examined in this study. This includes specimens collected by the authors (SC), loaned from museums and collections (SL) or provided by colleagues (SP), and observations reported on online database—only when including pictures that allowed identification (O). The star (*) highlights the only instance where a single insect was collected and, consequently, the host plant attribution is not confirmed.

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Table 1 Expand

Fig 1.

Ctenarytaina insularis sp. nov.

Habitus dorsal view of female (A) and male (B); habitus lateral view of female (C) and male (D); wings of female (E) and male (F); head dorsal view of female (G) and male (H); lateral view of terminalia of female (I) and male (J). Scale bar length = 500μm (A-F) and 100μm (G-J).

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Fig 1 Expand

Fig 2.

Nymph of Ctenarytaina insularis sp. nov.

Habitus dorsal view (A) and habitus ventral view (B) with particular emphasis on the anal opening. Scale bar = 100μm.

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Fig 2 Expand

Fig 3.

Details of terminalia for A. errabunda, female terminalia (A), anal ring (B) and male terminalia (C) with aedeaegus (D), and C. insularis, female terminalia (E), anal ring (F) and male terminalia (G) with aedeaegus (H) and inner side of paramere (I).

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Fig 3 Expand

Fig 4.

Details of terminalia for C. fuchsiae, male terminalia (A), and female terminalia (B), C. pollicaris, male terminalia (C), and female terminalia (D), and C. clavata, male terminalia (E), and female terminalia (F). Scale bar length = 100μm.

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Fig 4 Expand

Fig 5.

Acizzia errabunda sp. nov.

Habitus dorsal view of male (A) and female (B); habitus lateral view of female (C) and male (D); wings of female (E) and male (F); head dorsal view of male (G) and female (H); lateral view of terminalia of female (I) and male (J). Scale bar length = 500μm (A-F) and 100μm (G-J).

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Fig 5 Expand

Fig 6.

Nymph of Acizzia errabunda sp. nov.

Habitus dorsal view (A) and habitus ventral view (B) with particular emphasis on the anal opening. Scale bar = 500μm.

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Fig 6 Expand

Fig 7.

Acizzia acaciaebaileyanae.

Habitus lateral view of female (A) and male (B); wings of female (C) and male (D); lateral view of terminalia of female (E) and male (F). Scale bar length = 500μm (A-D) and 200μm (E-F).

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Fig 7 Expand

Fig 8.

Acizzia jucunda.

Habitus lateral view of female (A) and male (B); wings of female (C) and male (D); lateral view of terminalia of female (E) and male (F). Scale bar length = 500μm (A-D) and 200μm (E-F).

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Fig 8 Expand