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Fig 1.

GH43_36 distribution in Basidiomycota.

Phylogenetic tree of 69 basidiomycetes based on 71 highly conserved fungal genes. Presence of genes of the GH43_36 subfamily are indicated in yellow. The number of genes and the presence of CBM1 domains within the proteins are indicated with numbers. Inferred loss of GH43_36 in the ancestor of A. bisporus is indicated with an asterisk. Adapted and modified from [35].

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Fig 1 Expand

Fig 2.

Expression of hgh43 in A. bisporus transformants relative to transformant HGH43-13.

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Fig 2 Expand

Fig 3.

HPAEC chromatogram of endoxylanase pre-digested WAX incubated with concentrated compost extract.

PII extract (A) and extract of compost colonized by A15 (B), HGH43-1 (C), and HGH43-2 (D). Endoxylanase pre-digested WAX without compost extracts (1), with concentrated compost extract (2), and compost extract without WAX-oligomers added (3) are shown in each panel. The line closest to the x-axis shows the retention time of arabinose and xylose at 3.5 and 4.5 min, respectively. Each sample is representative for a biological triplicate. The chromatogram is magnified from retention time 12–16.5 min (A’, B’, C’, and D’) for each sample where single and double substituted arabinoxylan oligomers are indicated with S and D, respectively. Specific xylosyl oligomers substituted with a single arabinosyl are indicated with 4.1, 3.2 in A and A’. Xylosyl oligomers with a double arabinosyl substitution are indicated with 6.1 and 5.1 in A, A’, B’, C’, and D’. An unknown oligomer is indicated with U in B’, C’, and D’. Chromatograms of compost extract or compost extract incubated with WAX were shifted 10–30 sec to the left as compared to endoxylanase hydrolyzed WAX.

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Fig 3 Expand

Table 1.

Carbohydrate composition (mol / mol %) of compost.

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Table 1 Expand