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Fig 1.

Diutina catenulata is a member of the Debaryomycetaceae/Metschnikowiaceae clade.

The phylogenetic tree was inferred from a superalignment of 204 ubiquitous gene families from 42 species. A consensus Bayesian supermatrix phylogeny was generated using PhyloBayes [38]. Clades within the Saccharomycotina (Debaryomycetaceae/Metschnikowiaceae, Pichiaceae, Phaffomycetaceae, Saccharomycodaceae and Saccharomycetaceae) are highlighted in color. Species within the Lodderomyces clade in the Debaryomycetaceae/Metschnikowiaceae are surrounded with a gray box. The exact definition of the Lodderomyces clade is not clear, and it may include Spathaspora species [48]. The branch supports show Bayesian Posterior Probabilities.

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Fig 1 Expand

Fig 2.

D. catenulata translates CUG codons as serine.

A. Bar plot showing frequencies of amino acid matches to CUG codons in the D. catenulata genome. The values on the Y-axis represent the number of CUG codon sites that align with the amino acid residues shown on the X-axis in the YGOB protein database [41]. Analysis of all codons is shown in S1 File. B. Comparison of tRNASer(CAG) from D. catenulata with the same tRNA encoded by other species in the Debaryomycetaceae/Metschnikowiaceae. The discriminator base at the 3’ end (highlighted in red) is G in tRNASer(CAG), and A in most tRNALeu(CAG) molecules. The G base just 5’ to the anticodon (highlighted in blue) also reduces leucylation [54].

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Fig 2 Expand

Fig 3.

The Mating Type-like Locus in D. catenulata.

A. Gene order around MTLα in M. guilliermondii and D. catenulata. Orthologous genes are connected with gray lines. Mating-type genes are filled in pink, and other genes associated with the MTL are edged in pink. The assembly of the D. catenulata contig stops at OBP. B. Phylogenetic relationship of PAPα and PAPa from the indicated species from the Debaryomycetaceae/Metschnikowiaceae clade. The PAP protein from D. catenulata (which is not found at the MTL locus) is more closely related to PAPa than to PAPα alleles. Alignments and phylogenetic trees were constructed using PhyML in SeaView [39].

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Fig 3 Expand