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Fig 1.

Co-distributed Indian owlets show plumage similarity, however can be identified based on size and markings on the chest and forehead.

Presence of white spots and brown bars in case of A. brama and G. radiatum respectively are identification keys. Photo credits: color banded H. blewitti individual by PM, A. brama and G. radiatum by PK.

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Fig 1 Expand

Fig 2.

A species tree reconstruction using BEAST on concatenated (mitochondrial + nuclear) dataset indicate that H. blewitti is nested within the Athene clade.

The brown text indicates the species sampled in the present study. The nodal values show Bayesian posterior probability (PP). All the nodes are highly supported (PP = 1) except for those where PP is mentioned as nodal value.

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Fig 2 Expand

Fig 3.

A Maximum Likelihood Phylogenetic tree of Athene-Heteroglaux-Glaucidium members.

3A: Tree constructed using mitochondrial (CYTB + COI) dataset; 3B: Tree constructed using nuclear (RAG-1 + TGFB2 + MYO) dataset. The red text indicates the species sampled in the present study. The nodal values indicate Bayesian posterior probability separated by maximum likelihood bootstrap support.

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Fig 3 Expand

Table 1.

Summary of molecular dating analysis using (uncorrelated) relaxed lognormal clock.

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Table 1 Expand