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Table 1.

Distribution of Avicennia and voucher specimens.

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Table 1 Expand

Fig 1.

Distribution and the phylogenetics of Avicennia.

Distributions of species are color coded on the map (modified from [34]). The map was modified from the 1:110m coastline map of Natural Earth ( The phylogenetic relationship between species is based on the phylogenic analyses from chloroplast and nuclear genes. The divergence time for species in the Indo-Western Pacific (IWP) region was calibrated by mcmctree 4.8a [25].

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Fig 1 Expand

Fig 2.

Bayesian Inference tree of Avicennia species in the Indo-West Pacific (IWP) region.

Based on concatenated sequences of 25 nuclear genes, with A. germinans as the outgroup. Bayesian posterior probabilities for Bayesian Inference (BI), Likelihood bootstrap values from the maximum likelihood analysis (ML) and Parsimony bootstrap values from maximum parsimony analysis (MP) are indicated at nodes (BI/ML/MP). Two selected morphological characters of taxonomic importance (source from [1]) have been mapped on the tree.

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Fig 2 Expand

Fig 3.

Multidimensional scaling plot.

Plot of the first and second axis of a multidimensional scaling matrix based on pairwise genetic divergence value among IWP species of 25 nuclear genes. The numbers and letters refer to sample identity is listed in Table 1.

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Fig 3 Expand