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Table 1.

The frequency distributions of dermoscopic patterns between melanomas and benign nevi showing significant associations.

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Table 1 Expand

Fig 1.

Clinical image and dermoscopic features of a malignant melanoma and benign nevus in a 60-year-old woman.

Compared to the clinical picture (a), dermoscopic evaluation provides detailed clues for the diagnosis of melanomas (b), dermoscopy of benign nevus showing a reticular pattern (c). Dermoscopy of malignant melanoma exhibits melanoma-associated patterns such as asymmetry, atypical pigment networks, blue-white veil, irregular blotches, irregular dots, peripheral streaks, shiny white lines, and multicolor patterns.

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Fig 1 Expand

Fig 2.

Dermoscopic features of a melanocytic nevus with a globular and reticular pattern (a), a blue nevus (b), a spitz nevus (c), and a malignant melanoma (d).

Compared to benign nevi, a melanoma exhibits more patterns such as asymmetry, irregular blotches, atypical pigment networks, irregular dots, peripheral streaks, multicolor patterns, and ulcer.

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Fig 2 Expand